Arizona School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Authority to Develop and Establish Codes of Conduct

Discipline Compendium

Arizona School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Authority to Develop and Establish Codes of Conduct

Category: Codes of Conduct
Subcategory: Authority to Develop and Establish Codes of Conduct
State: Arizona

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15-153. Crime reporting; policies and procedures; notification; discipline.

A. Each school district governing board and charter school governing body shall prescribe and enforce policies and procedures for school personnel to report any suspected crime against a person or property that is a serious offense as defined in section 13-706 or that involves a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument or serious physical injury and any conduct that poses a threat of death or serious physical injury to an employee, student or other person on the school property. The policies shall dictate a process for employees to document and report the conduct, including specifying the employees responsible for making a report to the local law enforcement agency pursuant to section 15-341, subsection A, paragraph 30. Conduct that is considered to be bullying, harassment or intimidation shall be addressed according to policies adopted pursuant to section 15-341, subsection A, paragraph 36.

15-341. General powers and duties; immunity; delegation.

A. The governing board shall:

13. Discipline students for disorderly conduct on the way to and from school.

15-342. Discretionary powers.

The governing board may:

1. Expel pupils for misconduct.

15-348. Dress code policies; traditional tribal regalia; objects of cultural significance; graduation ceremonies; definitions

A. A school district governing board, a charter school governing body or any public school may not prohibit a student who is a member of a federally recognized Indian tribe or who is eligible to be enrolled as a member of a federally recognized Indian tribe from wearing traditional tribal regalia or objects of cultural significance at a graduation ceremony.

B. For the purposes of this section, "objects of cultural significance" and "traditional tribal regalia" include an eagle feather or eagle plume.

15-843. Pupil disciplinary proceedings; definition.

B. The governing board of any school district, in consultation with the teachers and parents of the school district, shall prescribe rules for the discipline, suspension and expulsion of pupils. The rules shall be consistent with the constitutional rights of pupils and shall include at least the following:

1. Penalties for excessive pupil absenteeism pursuant to section 15-803, including failure in a subject, failure to pass a grade, suspension or expulsion.

2. Procedures for using of corporal punishment if allowed by the governing board.

3. Procedures for the reasonable use of physical force by certificated or classified personnel in self-defense, defense of others and defense of property.

4. Procedures for dealing with pupils who have committed or who are believed to have committed a crime.

5. A notice and hearing procedure for cases concerning the suspension of a pupil for more than ten days.

6. Procedures and conditions for readmitting a pupil who has been expelled or suspended for more than ten days.

7. Procedures to appeal to the governing board of the suspension of a pupil for more than ten days, if the decision to suspend the pupil was not made by the governing board.

8. Procedures to appeal the recommendation of the hearing officer or officers designated by the board as provided in subsection F of this section at the time the board considers the recommendation.

9. Disciplinary policies for confining pupils left alone in an enclosed space. These policies shall include the following:

(a) A process for prior written parental notification that confinement may be used for disciplinary purposes and that is included in the pupil's enrollment packet or admission form.

(b) A process for prior written parental consent before confinement is allowed for any pupil in the school district. The policies shall provide for an exemption to prior written parental consent if a school principal or teacher determines that the pupil poses imminent physical harm to self or others. The school principal or teacher shall make reasonable attempts to notify the pupil's parent or guardian in writing by the end of the same day that confinement was used.

10. Procedures that require the school district to annually report to the department of education in a manner prescribed by the department the number of suspensions and expulsions that involve the possession, use or sale of an illegal substance under title 13, chapter 34 and the type of illegal substance involved in each suspension or expulsion. The department of education shall compile this information and annually post the information on its website. The information shall comply with the family educational rights and privacy act of 1974 (P.L. 93-380; 88 Stat. 57; 20 United States Code section 1232g) shall not include personally identifiable information and shall show the number of suspensions and expulsions associated with each illegal substance aggregated statewide and by county.


No relevant regulations found.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

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