(a) To establish and maintain a parent-teacher advisory committee to develop with the school board or governing body of a charter school policy guidelines on pupil discipline, including school searches and bullying prevention as set forth in Section 27-23.7 of this Code [105 ILCS 5/27-23.7]. School authorities shall furnish a copy of the policy to the parents or guardian of each pupil within 15 days after the beginning of the school year, or within 15 days after starting classes for a pupil who transfers into the district during the school year, and the school board or governing body of a charter school shall require that a school inform its pupils of the contents of the policy. School boards and the governing bodies of charter schools, along with the parent-teacher advisory committee, must annually review their pupil discipline policies, the implementation of those policies, and any other factors related to the safety of their schools, pupils, and staff.
Illinois School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Communication of Policy
Illinois School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Communication of Policy
Category: Codes of Conduct
Subcategory: Communication of Policy
State: Illinois
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105 ILCS 5/10-20.14. Student discipline policies; Parent-teacher advisory committee.
105 ILCS 5/27-23.7. Bullying prevention.
(b) In this Section:
"Policy on bullying" means a bullying prevention policy that meets the following criteria:
(10) Is posted on the school district's, charter school's, or non-public, non-sectarian elementary or secondary school's existing, publicly accessible Internet website, is included in the student handbook, and, where applicable, posted where other policies, rules, and standards of conduct are currently posted in the school and provided periodically throughout the school year to students and faculty, and is distributed annually to parents, guardians, students, and school personnel, including new employees when hired.
1.280. Discipline.
Section 24-24 of the School Code [105 ILCS 5] provides for teachers, other licensed educational employees (except for individuals employed as a paraprofessional educator) and persons providing a related service for or with respect to a student as determined by the board of education to maintain discipline in the schools.
b) The board of education shall establish a policy on the administration of discipline in accordance with the requirements of Sections 10-20.14 and 24-24 of the School Code and disseminate that policy as provided in Section 10-20.14 of the School Code. Under no circumstance shall the policy authorize the use of isolated time out or physical restraint as a form of discipline or punishment.