The Department shall create and maintain an online database and resource page on its website. The database and resource page shall contain mental health resources specifically geared toward school social workers, school counselors, parents, teachers, and school support personnel with the goal of connecting those people with mental health resources related to bullying and school shootings and encouraging information sharing among educational administrators, school security personnel, and school resource officers.
Illinois School Discipline Laws & Regulations: State Model Policies and Implementation Support
Illinois School Discipline Laws & Regulations: State Model Policies and Implementation Support
Category: Prevention, Behavioral Interventions, and Supports
Subcategory: State Model Policies and Implementation Support
State: Illinois
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20 ILCS 1705/76. Mental health database and resource page.
105 ILCS 5/27-23.7. Bullying prevention.
(d) Each school district, charter school, and non-public, non-sectarian elementary or secondary school shall create, maintain, and implement a policy on bullying, which policy must be filed with the State Board of Education. The policy on bullying shall be based on the State Board of Education’s template for a model bullying prevention policy under subsection (h) and shall include the criteria set forth in the definition of “policy on bullying”. The policy or implementing procedure shall include a process to investigate whether a reported act of bullying is within the permissible scope of the district's or school's jurisdiction and shall require that the district or school provide the victim with information regarding services that are available within the district and community, such as counseling, support services, and other programs. School personnel available for help with a bully or to make a report about bullying shall be made known to parents or legal guardians, students, and school personnel. Every 2 years, each school district, charter school, and non-public, non-sectarian elementary or secondary school shall conduct a review and re- evaluation of its policy and make any necessary and appropriate revisions. The policy must be filed with the State Board of Education after being updated. The State Board of Education shall monitor and provide technical support for the implementation of policies created under this subsection (d). In monitoring the implementation of the policies, the State Board of Education shall review each filed policy on bullying to ensure all policies meet the requirements set forth in this Section, including ensuring that each policy meets the 12 criterion identified within the definition of “policy on bullying” set forth in this Section.
If a school district, charter school, or non-public, non-sectarian elementary or secondary school fails to file a policy on bullying by September 30 of the subject year, the State Board of Education shall provide a written request for filing to the school district, charter school, or non-public, non-sectarian elementary or secondary school. If a school district, charter school, or non-public, non-sectarian elementary or secondary school fails to file a policy on bullying within 14 days of receipt of the aforementioned written request, the State Board of Education shall publish notice of the non-compliance on the State Board of Education’s website.
Each school district, charter school, and non-public, non-sectarian elementary or secondary school may provide evidence-based professional development and youth programming on bullying prevention that is consistent with the provisions of this Section.
(h) By January 1, 2024, the State Board of Education shall post on its Internet website a template for a model bullying prevention policy.
(i) The Illinois Bullying and Cyberbullying Prevention Fund is created as a special fund in the State treasury. Any moneys appropriated to the Fund may be used, subject to appropriation, by the State Board of Education for the purposes of subsection (j).
(j) Subject to appropriation, the State Superintendent of Education may provide a grant to a school district, charter school, or non-public, non-sectarian elementary or secondary school to support its anti-bullying programming. Grants may be awarded from the Illinois Bullying and Cyberbullying Prevention Fund. School districts, charter schools, and non-public, non-sectarian elementary or secondary schools that are not in compliance with subsection (f) are not eligible to receive a grant from the Illinois Bullying and Cyberbullying Prevention Fund.
405 ILCS 49/5. Children’s Mental Health Plan.
(a) The State of Illinois shall develop a Children's Mental Health Plan containing short-term and long-term recommendations to provide comprehensive, coordinated mental health prevention, early intervention, and treatment services for children from birth through age 18. This Plan shall include but not be limited to:
(2) Guidelines for incorporating social and emotional development into school learning standards and educational programs, pursuant to Section 15 of this Act [405 ILCS 49/15].
No relevant regulations found.