Illinois School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Threat Assessment Protocols

Discipline Compendium

Illinois School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Threat Assessment Protocols

Category: Partnerships between Schools and Law Enforcement
Subcategory: Threat Assessment Protocols
State: Illinois

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105 ILCS 128/25. Annual review.

(a) Each public school district, through its school board or the board's designee, shall conduct a minimum of one annual meeting at which it will review each school building's emergency and crisis response plans, protocols, and procedures, including procedures regarding the school district's threat assessment team, the efficacy and effects of law enforcement drills, and each building's compliance with the school safety drill programs. The purpose of this annual review shall be to review and update the emergency and crisis response plans, protocols, and procedures and the school safety drill programs of the district and each of its school buildings. This review must be at no cost to the school district. In updating a school building's emergency and crisis response plans, consideration may be given to making the emergency and crisis response plans available to first responders, administrators, and teachers for implementation and utilization through the use of electronic applications on electronic devices, including, but not limited to, smartphones, tablets, and laptop computers.

105 ILCS 128/45. Threat assessment procedure.

(a) Each school district must implement a threat assessment procedure that may be part of a school board policy on targeted school violence prevention. The procedure must include the creation of a threat assessment team. The team must include at least one law enforcement official and cross-disciplinary representatives of the district who are most directly familiar with the mental and behavioral health needs of students and staff. Such cross-disciplinary representatives may include the following members:

(1) An administrator employed by the school district or a special education cooperative that serves the school district and is available to serve.

(2) A teacher employed by the school district or a special education cooperative that serves the school district and is available to serve.

(3) A school counselor employed by the school district or a special education cooperative that serves the school district and is available to serve.

(4) A school psychologist employed by the school district or a special education cooperative that serves the school district and is available to serve.

(5) A school social worker employed by the school district or a special education cooperative that serves the school district and is available to serve.

(6) (Blank).

If a school district is unable to establish a threat assessment team with school district staff and resources, it may utilize a regional behavioral threat assessment and intervention team that includes mental health professionals and representatives from the State, county, and local law enforcement agencies.

(b) A school district shall establish the threat assessment team under this Section no later than 180 days after August 23, 2019 (the effective date of Public Act 101-455) and must implement an initial threat assessment procedure no later than 120 days after August 23, 2019 (the effective date of Public Act 101-455). .

(c) Any sharing of student information under this Section must comply with the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and the Illinois School Student Records Act [105 ILCS 10/1 et seq.]. 


No relevant regulations found.

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U.S. Department of Education

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