Kansas School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Firearms and Other Weapons Violations

Discipline Compendium

Kansas School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Firearms and Other Weapons Violations

Category: Discipline Addressing Specific Code of Conduct Violations
Subcategory: Firearms and Other Weapons Violations
State: Kansas

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72-6131. Definitions.

As used in this act:

(h)(1) "Weapon" means: (A) Any weapon which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; (B) the frame or receiver of any weapon described in the preceding example; (C) any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; (D) any explosive, incendiary, or poison gas: (i) Bomb; (ii) grenade; (iii) rocket having a propellant charge of more than four ounces; (iv) missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than _ ounce; (v) mine; or (vi) similar device; (E) any weapon which will, or which may be readily converted to, expel a projectile by the action of an explosive or other propellant, and which has any barrel with a bore of more than _ inch in diameter; (F) any combination of parts either designed or intended for use in converting any device into any destructive device described in the two immediately preceding examples, and from which a destructive device may be readily assembled; (G) any bludgeon, sandclub, metal knuckles or throwing star; (H) any knife, commonly referred to as a switch-blade, which has a blade that opens automatically by hand pressure applied to a button, spring or other device in the handle of the knife, or any knife having a blade that opens or falls or is ejected into position by the force of gravity or by an outward, downward or centrifugal thrust or movement; or (I) any electronic device designed to discharge immobilizing levels of electricity, commonly known as a stun gun.

(2) The term "weapon" does not include within its meaning: (A) An antique firearm; (B) an air gun; (C) any device which is neither designed nor redesigned for use as a weapon; (D) any device, although originally designed for use as a weapon, which is redesigned for use as a signaling, pyrotechnic, line throwing, safety, or similar device; (E) surplus ordinance sold, loaned or given by the secretary of the army pursuant to the provisions of section 4684(2), 4685, or 4686 of title 10 of the United States Code; or (F) class C common fireworks.

72-6132. Policies requiring expulsion of pupils for possession of weapons, adoption, filing; hearings; modification of requirement authorized; referral procedure; annual report; circumstances when policy not applicable.

(f) The policy adopted by a board of education under subsection (a) shall contain a procedure for the referral of any pupil determined to be in possession of a weapon at school, on school property, or at a school supervised activity to the appropriate state and local law enforcement agencies and, if the pupil is a juvenile, to the secretary for children and families or the commissioner of juvenile justice.

72-6134. Use of air guns; certain policies prohibited.

(a) No school district shall adopt a policy that prohibits an organization from conducting activities on school property solely because such activities include the possession and use of air guns by the participants. Any policy adopted pursuant to K.S.A. 72-89a02, and amendments thereto, shall not prohibit the possession of an air gun by a pupil on school property if such pupil is a participant in the activities of an organization.

(b) A policy adopted pursuant to K.S.A. 72-89a02, and amendments thereto, may prohibit the possession of air guns by pupils at school, on school property or at a school supervised activity, except when a pupil is participating in activities conducted by an organization, or is in transit to or from such activities.

(c) Any individual desiring to participate in activities conducted by an organization may be required to sign, or have a parent or legal guardian sign, a liability waiver. The liability waiver shall be in such form as prescribed by the chief administrative officer of the school and shall contain the appropriate language so as to relieve the school district, the school and all school personnel from liability for any claims arising out of the acts or omissions of any individual or any school personnel relating to activities conducted by an organization.

(d) The provisions of this section shall be a part of and supplemental to K.S.A. 72-89a01 et seq., and amendments thereto.

72-6135. Definitions.

As used in K.S.A. 72-89c01 and 72-89c02, and amendments thereto:

(f) "Weapon" means (1) any weapon which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; (2) the frame or receiver of any weapon described in the preceding example; (3) any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; (4) any explosive, incendiary, or poison gas (A) bomb, (B) grenade, (C) rocket having a propellant charge of more than four ounces, (D) missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than 1/4 ounce, (E) mine, or (F) similar device; (5) any weapon which will, or which may be readily converted to, expel a projectile by the action of an explosive or other propellant, and which has any barrel with a bore of more than 1/2 inch in diameter; (6) any combination of parts either designed or intended for use in converting any device into any destructive device described in the two immediately preceding examples, and from which a destructive device may be readily assembled; (7) any bludgeon, sandclub, metal knuckles or throwing star; (8) any knife, commonly referred to as a switch-blade, which has a blade that opens automatically by hand pressure applied to a button, spring or other device in the handle of the knife, or any knife having a blade that opens or falls or is ejected into position by the force of gravity or by an outward, downward or centrifugal thrust or movement; (9) any electronic device designed to discharge immobilizing levels of electricity, commonly known as a stun gun. The term "weapon" does not include within its meaning (1) an antique firearm; (2) any device which is neither designed nor redesigned for use as a weapon; (3) any device, although originally designed for use as a weapon, which is redesigned for use as a signaling, pyrotechnic, line throwing, safety, or similar device; (4) surplus ordinance sold, loaned, or given by the secretary of the army pursuant to the provisions of section 4684(2), 4685, or 4686 of title 10 of the United States Code; (5) class C common fireworks. [...]

(i) "Possession of a weapon or illegal drug" means knowingly having direct physical control over a weapon or illegal drug or knowingly having the power and the intention at a given time to exercise dominion or control over a weapon or illegal drug.

72-6136. Suspension or revocation of driver's license or privilege upon certain school safety violations; procedure.

(a) Whenever a pupil who has attained the age of 13 years has been found in possession of a weapon or illegal drug at school, upon school property or at a school supervised activity or has engaged in an act or behavior, committed at school, upon school property, or at a school-supervised activity which resulted in, or was substantially likely to have resulted in, serious bodily injury to others, the chief administrative officer of the school shall make a report of the pupil's act to the appropriate law enforcement agency, provided that the report would not violate the terms of the memorandum of understanding approved by the superintendent of the school district pursuant to K.S.A. 72-89b03(i), and amendments thereto. The report shall be given as soon as practicable, but not to exceed 10 days from the date of the pupil's act, excluding holidays and weekends, to the appropriate law enforcement agency. Upon receipt of the report, the law enforcement agency shall investigate the matter and give written notice to the division of the act committed by the pupil. The notice shall be given to the division of vehicles by the law enforcement agency as soon as practicable but not to exceed 10 days, excluding holidays and weekends, after receipt of the report and shall include the pupil's name, address, date of birth, driver's license number, if available, and a description of the act committed by the pupil. A copy of the notice also shall be given to the pupil and to the parent or guardian of the pupil.

72-6143. Information regarding identity of specified pupils, disclosure requirements; criminal acts, reports to law enforcement agencies and state board of education; school safety and security policies, memorandum of understanding, availability; civil liability, immunity.

(b) Each board of education shall adopt a policy that includes:

(1) A requirement that an immediate report be made to the appropriate state or local law enforcement agency by or on behalf of any school employee who knows or has reason to believe that an act has been committed at school, on school property, or at a school supervised activity and that the act involved conduct which constitutes the commission of a felony or misdemeanor or which involves the possession, use or disposal of explosives, firearms or other weapons, provided that the report would not violate the terms of the memorandum of understanding approved by the school employee's school district pursuant to subsection (i); and

(2) the procedures for making such a report.


No relevant regulations found.

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U.S. Department of Education

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