Kansas School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Grounds for Suspension or Expulsion

Discipline Compendium

Kansas School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Grounds for Suspension or Expulsion

Category: Exclusionary Discipline: Suspension, Expulsion, and Alternative Placement
Subcategory: Grounds for Suspension or Expulsion
State: Kansas

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72-6114. Grounds for suspension or expulsion; who may suspend or expel.

The board of education of any school district may suspend or expel, or by regulation authorize any certificated employee or committee of certificated employees to suspend or expel, any pupil guilty of any of the following:

(a) Willful violation of any published regulation for student conduct adopted or approved by the board of education;

(b) conduct which substantially disrupts, impedes or interferes with the operation of any public school;

(c) conduct which endangers the safety of others or which substantially impinges upon or invades the rights of others at school, on school property, or at a school supervised activity;

(d) conduct which, if the pupil is an adult, constitutes the commission of a felony or, if the pupil is a juvenile, would constitute the commission of a felony if committed by an adult;

(e) conduct at school, on school property, or at a school supervised activity which, if the pupil is an adult, constitutes the commission of a misdemeanor or, if the pupil is a juvenile, would constitute the commission of a misdemeanor if committed by an adult; or

(f) disobedience of an order of a teacher, peace officer, school security officer or other school authority when such disobedience can reasonably be anticipated to result in disorder, disruption or interference with the operation of any public school or substantial and material impingement upon or invasion of the rights of others.

72-6132. Policies requiring expulsion of pupils for possession of weapons, adoption, filing; hearings; modification of requirement authorized; referral procedure; annual report; circumstances when policy not applicable.

(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of K.S.A. 72-8902, and amendments thereto, and subject to the other provisions of this section, each board of education in this state shall adopt a written policy requiring the expulsion from school for a period of not less than one year any pupil determined to be in possession of a weapon at school, on school property, or at a school supervised activity. The policy shall be filed with the state board of education in such manner as the state board shall require and at a time to be determined and specified by the state board.


No relevant regulations found.

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U.S. Department of Education

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