Kansas School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Mental Health Literacy Training

Discipline Compendium

Kansas School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Mental Health Literacy Training

Category: Prevention, Behavioral Interventions, and Supports
Subcategory: Mental Health Literacy Training
State: Kansas

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75-763. Rules and regulations for skill development training for school misconduct.

(a) The attorney general shall, in collaboration with them Kansas law enforcement training center and the state board of education, promulgate rules and regulations by January 1, 2017, creating a skill development training for responding effectively to misconduct in school while minimizing student exposure to the juvenile justice system.

(b) The skill development training shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

(3) mental health; [...]

(c) The superintendent of each school district or the superintendent's designee and any law enforcement officer primarily assigned to a school shall complete the skill development training.


16-16-2. Curriculum.

There is hereby created a skill development training course, which shall include the following curriculum:

(a) Information on adolescent development;

(b) risk and needs assessments;

(c) mental health;

(d) diversity;

(e) youth crisis intervention;

(f) substance abuse prevention;

(g) trauma-informed responses; and

(h) other evidence-based practices in school policing to mitigate student juvenile justice exposure.

16-16-3. Training requirement.

(a) Each law enforcement officer primarily assigned to a school and each superintendent or superintendent's designee shall be required to successfully complete a skill development training course, pursuant to K.A.R. 16-16-2, that has been developed and either provided or authorized by the Kansas law enforcement training center according to the following, whichever is later:

(1) On or before June 30, 2018; or

(2) within one year of being designated as a law enforcement officer primarily assigned to a school or employed by a school district as a superintendent or superintendent's designee.

(b) Nothing in this regulation shall require a law enforcement officer primarily assigned to a school or a superintendent or superintendent's designee to complete more than one skill development training course.

(c) Each law enforcement officer primarily assigned to a school and each superintendent or superintendent's designee shall submit proof of successful completion of a skill development training course, pursuant to K.A.R. 16-16-2, that was developed and either provided or authorized by the Kansas law enforcement training center to that individual's respective certification or licensing agency.

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