Kansas School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Parental Notification

Discipline Compendium

Kansas School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Parental Notification

Category: Monitoring and Accountability
Subcategory: Parental Notification
State: Kansas

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72-3121. Same; noncompliance; duties of boards of education, secretary for children and families, county and district attorneys; agreements between secretary and county or district attorneys, duties; notification of absence to parents.

(d)(1) Prior to making any report under this section that a child is not attending school as required by law, the designated employee of the board of education shall serve written notice thereof, by personal delivery or by first class mail, upon a parent or person acting as parent of the child. The notice shall inform the parent or person acting as parent that continued failure of the child to attend school without a valid excuse will result in a report being made to the secretary for children and families or to the county or district attorney. Upon failure, on the school day next succeeding personal delivery of the notice or within three school days after the notice was mailed, of attendance at school by the child or of an acceptable response, as determined by the designated employee, to the notice by a parent or person acting as parent of the child, the designated employee shall make a report thereof in accordance with the provisions of subsection (a). The designated employee shall submit with the report a certificate verifying the manner in which notice was provided to the parent or person acting as parent.

(2) Whenever a law enforcement officer assumes temporary custody of a child who is found away from home or school without a valid excuse during the hours school is actually in session, and the law enforcement officer delivers the child to the school in which the child is enrolled or to a location designated by the school in which the child is enrolled to address truancy issues, the designated employee of the board of education shall serve notice thereof upon a parent or person acting as parent of the child. The notice may be oral or written and shall inform the parent or person acting as parent of the child that the child was absent from school without a valid excuse and was delivered to school by a law enforcement officer.

72-3135. Referral of students; notice; resolving the problem.

(a) If a pupil is required by law to attend school and is irregular in attendance at school, the pupil may be referred to the school attendance review board. Each board of education shall designate one or more employees to make such referrals. Upon making a referral, the employee shall notify the pupil and the pupil's parents or guardians, in writing, of the name and address of the school attendance review board and of the reason for the referral. The notice shall indicate that the pupil and parents or guardians of the pupil will be required, along with the referring person, to meet with the school attendance review board to consider a proper disposition of the referral.

72-6115. Duration of suspension or expulsion; notice; hearings, opportunity afforded, waiver, time, who may conduct.

(b)(1) Except as authorized in provision (2), no suspension for a short term shall be imposed upon a pupil without giving the pupil notice of the charges and affording the pupil an opportunity for a hearing thereon. The notice may be oral or written and the hearing may be held immediately after the notice is given. The hearing may be conducted informally but shall include the following procedural due process requirements: (A) The right of the pupil to be present at the hearing; (B) the right of the pupil to be informed of the charges; (C) the right of the pupil to be informed of the basis for the accusation; and (D) the right of the pupil to make statements in defense or mitigation of the charges or accusations. Refusal of a pupil to be present at the hearing will constitute a waiver of the pupil's opportunity for a hearing.

(2) A short-term suspension may be imposed upon a pupil forthwith, and without affording the pupil a hearing if the presence of the pupil endangers other persons or property or substantially disrupts, impedes or interferes with the operation of the school.

(c) A written notice of any short-term suspension and the reason therefor shall be given to the pupil involved and to the pupil's parent or guardian within 24 hours after the suspension has been imposed and, in the event the pupil has not been afforded a hearing prior to any short-term suspension, an opportunity for an informal hearing shall be afforded the pupil as soon thereafter as practicable but in no event later than 72 hours after such short-term suspension has been imposed. Any notice of the imposition of a short-term suspension that provides an opportunity for an informal hearing after such suspension has been imposed shall state that failure of the pupil to attend the hearing will result in a waiver of the pupil's opportunity for the hearing.

(d) No suspension for an extended term and no expulsion shall be imposed upon a pupil until an opportunity for a formal hearing thereon is afforded the pupil. A written notice of any proposal to suspend for an extended term or to expel from school, and the charges upon which the proposal is based shall be given to the pupil proposed to be suspended or expelled from school, and to the pupil's parent or guardian. Any notice of a proposal to suspend for an extended term or to expel from school shall state the time, date and place that the pupil will be afforded an opportunity for a formal hearing, and that failure of the pupil and the pupil's parent or guardian to attend the hearing will result in a waiver of the pupil's opportunity for the hearing. The hearing shall be held not later than 10 days after the date of the notice. The notice shall be accompanied by a copy of this act and the regulations of the board of education adopted under K.S.A. 72-8903, and amendments thereto.

(e) Whenever any written notice is required under this act to be given to a pupil or to a pupil's parent or guardian, it shall be sufficient if the notice is mailed to the address on file in the school records of the pupil. In lieu of mailing the written notice, the notice may be personally delivered.

(f) A formal hearing on a suspension or expulsion may be conducted by any person or committee of persons authorized by the board of education to conduct the hearing.

72-6117. Notice of hearing results; appeal to board of education; hearing officers; procedure.

(a) Written notice of the result of any hearing imposing an extended-term suspension or an expulsion from school shall be given to the pupil suspended or expelled from school, and to the parents or guardians of the pupil within 24 hours after determination of such result.

72-6146. School security officers and campus police officers.

(e) The board of education of each school district shall adopt a policy providing for notification of a student's parents or guardians whenever the student is taken into custody by a campus police officer.

72-6153. Use of emergency safety interventions; seclusion room requirements; school district policies; dispute resolution procedures.

(g) Each local board shall develop and implement written policies to govern the use of emergency safety interventions in schools. At a minimum, written district policies shall conform to the standards, definitions and requirements of this act.

Such written policies shall include that:

(5) a schedule for when and how parents are provided with notice of the local board's written policies on the use of emergency safety interventions.

72-6154. Parental notification; documentation of an incident; annual report.

(a)(1) When a student is subjected to an emergency safety intervention, the school shall notify the parent on the same day the emergency safety intervention was used. If the school is unable to contact the parent, the school shall attempt to contact the parent using at least two methods of contact. The same-day notification requirement of this subsection shall be deemed satisfied if the school attempts at least two methods of contact. A parent may designate a preferred method of contact to receive the same-day notification required by this subsection. A parent may agree, in writing, to receive only one same-day notification from the school for multiple incidents occurring on the same day. Written documentation of the use of an emergency safety intervention shall be completed and provided to the parent no later than the school day following the day on which the emergency safety intervention was used. Such written documentation shall include: (A) The events leading up to the incident; (B) student behaviors that necessitated the emergency safety intervention; (C) steps taken to transition the student back into the educational setting; (D) the date and time the incident occurred, the type of emergency safety intervention used, the duration of the emergency safety intervention and the school personnel who used or supervised the emergency safety intervention; (E) space or an additional form for parents to provide feedback or comments to the school regarding the incident; (F) a statement that invites and strongly encourages parents to schedule a meeting to discuss the incident and how to prevent future use of emergency safety interventions; and (G) email and phone information for the parent to contact the school to schedule the emergency safety intervention meeting. Schools may group incidents together when documenting the items in subparagraphs (A), (B) and (C) if the triggering issue necessitating the emergency safety interventions is the same.

(2) The parent shall be provided the following information after the first incident in which an emergency safety intervention is used during the school year, and may be provided such information after each subsequent incident that occurs during the school year: (A) A copy of the standards of when emergency safety interventions can be used; (B) a flyer on the parent's rights; (C) information on the parent's right to file a complaint through the local dispute resolution process and the complaint process of the state board of education; and (D) information that will assist the parent in navigating the complaint process, including contact information for the parent training and information center and protection and advocacy system. Upon the first occurrence of an incident involving the use of emergency safety interventions, the parent shall be provided the foregoing information in printed form or, upon the parent's written request, by email. Upon the occurrence of a second or subsequent incident, the parent shall be provided with a full and direct website address containing such information.

(b) If a school is aware that a law enforcement officer or school resource officer has used seclusion, physical restraint or mechanical restraint on a student, the school shall notify the parent the same day using the parent's preferred method of contact. A school shall not be required to provide written documentation to a parent, as set forth in subsection (a)(1) regarding law enforcement use of an emergency safety intervention, or report to the department law enforcement use of an emergency safety intervention. For purposes of this subsection, mechanical restraint includes, but is not limited to, the use of handcuffs.


91-42-3. District policy; training; local board dispute resolution.

(a) Each district shall develop and implement written policies to govern the use of emergency safety interventions over all schools. At a minimum, written district policies shall conform to the standards, definitions, and requirements of this article. The written policies shall also include the following:

(5) a schedule for when and how parents are provided with notice of the written policies on the use of emergency safety interventions.

91-42-4. Parent notification; required meeting; filing a complaint.

(a) When an emergency safety intervention is used with a student, the school shall notify the parent the same day the emergency safety intervention was used. The school shall attempt to contact the parent using at least two methods of contact, one of which shall be the preferred method of contact if so designated by the parent as specified in this subsection. The same-day notification requirement of this subsection shall be deemed satisfied if the school attempts at least two methods of contact. A parent may designate a preferred method of contact to receive the same-day notification required by this subsection. A parent may agree, in writing, to receive only one same-day notification from the school for multiple incidents occurring on the same day. [...]

(e) If a school is aware that a law enforcement officer or school resource officer has used seclusion, physical restraint or mechanical restraint on a student on school grounds or during a school-sponsored activity, the school shall notify the parent on the same day the school becomes aware of the use, using the parent's preferred method of contact as described in K.A.R. 91-42-4(a). A school shall not be required to provide written documentation to a parent, as set forth in subsection (b) or (c) regarding law enforcement use of an emergency safety intervention, or report to the department law enforcement use of an emergency safety intervention. For purposes of this subsection, mechanical restraint includes, but is not limited to, the use of handcuffs.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

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