Michigan School Discipline Laws & Regulations: State Model Policies and Implementation Support

Discipline Compendium

Michigan School Discipline Laws & Regulations: State Model Policies and Implementation Support

Category: Prevention, Behavioral Interventions, and Supports
Subcategory: State Model Policies and Implementation Support
State: Michigan

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380.1306. School lockers; no presumption of privacy; search policy; assistance of law enforcement agency; model policy; admissibility of evidence.

(5) Not later than 90 days after the effective date of this section, the superintendent of public instruction shall develop and make available a model policy on searches of pupils' lockers and locker contents that may be adopted for the purposes of this section.

380.1307a. Use of seclusion and restraint in public schools; adoption and implementation of local policy; noncompliance as violation of act.

Not later than December 1, 2016, the department shall develop a state policy regarding the use of seclusion and restraint in the public schools that includes all of the elements under sections 1307b to 1307h, along with guidelines as the department considers appropriate. Not later than the beginning of the 2017-2018 school year, the board of a school district or intermediate school district or board of directors of a public school academy shall adopt and implement a local policy that is consistent with the state policy under this section. A person who fails to comply with this section or who fails to comply with any of the requirements of the state policy developed under this section is considered to have failed to comply with and to have violated this act.

380.1310. Physical assault at school against another pupil; suspension or expulsion; alternative education program; definitions.

(2) If an individual is expelled pursuant to this section, it is the responsibility of that individual and of his or her parent or legal guardian to locate a suitable educational program and to enroll the individual in such a program during the expulsion. The office for safe schools in the department shall compile information on and catalog existing alternative education programs or schools and nonpublic schools that may be open to enrollment of individuals expelled under this section and pursuant to section 1311(2) or 1311a, and shall periodically distribute this information to school districts for distribution to expelled individuals. A school board that establishes an alternative education program or school described in this subsection shall notify the office for safe schools about the program or school and the types of pupils it serves. The office for safe schools also shall work with and provide technical assistance to school districts, authorizing bodies for public school academies, and other interested parties in developing these types of alternative education programs or schools in geographic areas that are not being served.

380.1312. "Corporal punishment" defined; infliction of corporal punishment by employee, volunteer, or contractor; exercise of necessary reasonable physical force; liability; violation; deference given to reasonable good-faith judgments; development, implementation, and enforcement of code of student conduct; model list of alternatives to use of corporal punishment; authority permitting corporal punishment void.

(9) The department shall develop a model list of alternatives to the use of corporal punishment. This model list shall be developed in consultation with organizations that represent the interests of teachers, school employees, school boards, school administrators, pupils, parents, and child advocates, plus any other organization that the state board of education may wish to consult. The department shall send this model list to each school district, public school academy, and intermediate school district in the state and to each nonpublic school in the state that requests it. A local or intermediate school board or public school academy shall approve and cause to be distributed to each employee, volunteer, and contractor a list of alternatives to the use of corporal punishment. Upon request, the department of education shall provide assistance to schools in the development of programs and materials to implement this section.

752.913. Potential self-harm and potential harm or criminal acts directed at school students, school employees, or schools; establishment of program for receiving reports and information from public; hotline; operational and administrative oversight; report; referral to community mental health services program psychiatric crisis line; source of information on available community mental health resources and contacts; notice; biannual update of emergency contact information.

(7) The department shall develop a source of information on available community mental health resources and contacts, including mental health services. The department shall notify schools and law enforcement of this information source. The notice must include the departmental recommendation that schools and law enforcement, on investigating a case and determining that mental illness or emotional disturbance is or may be involved, utilize this information in aiding subjects and their parents or guardians.


No relevant regulations found.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

The contents of the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments Web site were assembled under contracts from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Supportive Schools to the American Institutes for Research (AIR), Contract Number  91990021A0020.

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