Nebraska School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Teacher Authority to Remove Students From Classrooms

Nebraska School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Teacher Authority to Remove Students From Classrooms
Category: In-School Discipline
Subcategory: Teacher Authority to Remove Students From Classrooms
State: Nebraska
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New in 2024
R.R.S. Neb. § 79-262.01. Behavioral intervention, behavioral management, classroom management, and removal of a student from a classroom in school; model policy; school district policy; training
(1) On or before July 1, 2025, the State Department of Education shall develop and adopt a model policy relating to behavioral intervention, behavioral management, classroom management, and removal of a student from a classroom in school. The model policy shall include appropriate training for school employees on behavioral intervention, behavioral management, classroom management, and removal of a student from a classroom in schools and how frequently such training shall be required. The length of such training shall be a reasonable amount as determined by each school board.
(2) On or before August 1, 2025, each school district shall develop and adopt a policy consistent with or comparable to the model policy developed by the State Department of Education pursuant to subsection (1) of this section, which shall be a requirement for accreditation in accordance with section 79-703. Such policy shall be filed with the Commissioner of Education. The policy developed and adopted by a school district pursuant to this subsection shall be included with any notifications required under the Student Discipline Act.
(3)(a) Beginning in school year 2026-27, each school district shall ensure that any school employee who has behavioral management responsibilities participates in behavioral awareness and intervention training consistent with the school district policy developed and adopted in accordance with subsection (2) of this section. Such training shall be provided by the school district or such school district’s educational service unit. The length of such training shall be a reasonable amount as determined by the school board.
(b) Each school district, shall either independently, or through the educational service unit of which such school district is a member, develop and provide behavioral awareness and intervention training to employees from such school who have behavioral management responsibilities. If such training is provided by the educational service unit, such training shall be available to any educational service unit employee and any member school district employee that works in a school and has behavioral management responsibilities. Such training shall be consistent with the model policy developed by the State Department of Education pursuant to subsection (1) of this section.
(4) The State Board of Education may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations to carry out this section.
No relevant regulations found.