Nevada School Discipline Laws & Regulations: School-based Behavioral Health Programs

Discipline Compendium

Nevada School Discipline Laws & Regulations: School-based Behavioral Health Programs

Category: Prevention, Behavioral Interventions, and Supports
Subcategory: School-based Behavioral Health Programs
State: Nevada

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NRS 388.266. Block grants to employ or contract with social workers and other mental health workers.

To the extent that money is available for the purpose, the Department shall:

1. Develop and carry into effect a program of block grants for the purposes described in subsection 2; and

2. Make and administer block grants to school districts and charter schools to employ or contract with social workers and other mental health workers in schools with identified needs.

NRS 388.885. Establishment of statewide framework for integrated student supports; requirements for framework; board of trustees and governing body of charter school required to take certain actions; requirements for requests for proposals for integrated student supports.

2. The board of trustees of each school district and the governing body of each charter school shall:

(d) To the extent money is available, ensure that pupils have access to social workers, mental health workers, counselors, psychologists, nurses, speech-language pathologists, audiologists and other school-based specialized instructional support personnel or community-based medical or behavioral providers of health care.

NRS 388.910. Appointment and duties of school safety specialist.

1. The superintendent of schools of each school district shall designate an employee at the district level to serve as the school safety specialist for the district. The principal of each charter school shall designate an employee to serve as the school safety specialist for the charter school. Not later than 1 year after being designated pursuant to this subsection, a school safety specialist shall complete the training provided by the Office for a Safe and Respectful Learning Environment pursuant to NRS 388.1323.

2. A school safety specialist shall:

(a) Review policies and procedures of the school district or charter school, as applicable, that relate to school safety to determine whether those policies and procedures comply with state laws and regulations;

(b) Ensure that each school employee who interacts directly with pupils as part of his or her job duties receives information concerning mental health services available in the school district or charter school, as applicable, and persons to contact if a pupil needs such services;

(c) Ensure the provision to school employees and pupils of appropriate training concerning:

(1) Mental health;

(2) Emergency procedures, including, without limitation, the plan developed pursuant to NRS 388.243; and

(3) Other matters relating to school safety and security.

NRS 391.294. Authority and supervision of school psychologist.

1. A school psychologist may, through consultation or collaboration with other educational personnel or by providing direct services:

(a) Deliver mental and behavioral health services to pupils in a school;

(b) Collaborate with the school, community and parents or legal guardians of pupils to promote a safe and supportive learning environment;

(c) Provide preventative, intervention and post intervention services through integrated systems of support;

(d) Collect and analyze data on the mental and behavioral health of pupils;

(e) Administer applicable assessments to pupils;

(f) Monitor the progress of the academic, mental and behavioral health of pupils;

(g) Assist with the development and implementation of school-wide practices to promote learning;

(h) Analyze resilience and risk factors of pupils;

(i) Provide instructional support to other educational personnel;

(j) Evaluate and make recommendations for the improvement of special education services;

(k) Promote diversity in development and learning;

(l) Conduct research and evaluate programs related to the mental and behavioral health of pupils; and

(m) Participate in planning for and implementing a response to a crisis at the school.

2. In a school district in which more than 50,000 pupils were enrolled during the preceding school year, each school psychologist must be supervised by a psychologist licensed pursuant to chapter 391 of NRS who is a licensed administrator.

3. In a school district in which not more than 50,000 pupils were enrolled during the preceding school year, each school psychologist must be supervised by a licensed administrator.

NRS 388.14538. Handle with Care Program: Establishment; notification of exposure of child to traumatic event or certain other events; training; regulations.

1. The Director shall establish the Handle with Care Program within the Office for a Safe and Respectful Learning Environment. The Handle with Care Program must enable a law enforcement officer or agency to notify the Program when a child who may attend a public school is exposed to a traumatic event or other event that may affect his or her ability to succeed at school as described in NRS 289.840. [...]

6. The Director shall provide training regarding:

(d) Collaboration with teachers and other members of the staff of a school, pupils, family members of pupils and other persons, as appropriate, to reduce the negative impact of the traumatic event on the affected pupil and appropriate interventions that may be available to assist the pupil.


No relevant regulations found.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

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