Northern Mariana Islands School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Alternatives to Suspension

Discipline Compendium

Northern Mariana Islands School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Alternatives to Suspension

Category: In-School Discipline
Subcategory: Alternatives to Suspension
State: Northern Mariana Islands

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§ 60-20-440. Day to day discipline.

Principals and designated personnel are specifically authorized by this policy to impose or recommend day to day discipline including, but not limited to, in-house detention, parent conferences, counseling sessions, work detail, community service, appropriate restitution, behavioral intervention plans, and any reasonable disciplinary measures.

§ 60-20-442. Detention.

(a) The provisions of a detention program for student violations of policies, rules, and regulations shall provide principals with an additional alternative for dealing with disciplinary problems that occur in the schools. Detention is an assigned before school and/or after-school period, during which student activity is closely monitored and severely restricted. Students will be required to adhere to all detention rules.

(b) School administrators and certified personnel detain students after normal school hours for a reasonable time provided the following conditions are observed, but not longer than daily instructional hours:

(1) Parents will be notified before detention so that transportation is arranged beforehand;

(2) The names of all students detained must be reported to the principal or designee.

§ 60-20-444. In-school suspension.

In-school suspension is a structured disciplinary action in which a student is removed from regular classroom activities, but is not dismissed from the school setting. The principal/designee may assign students to the in-school suspension program for a reasonable and specified period of time. All schools are required to have In-School Suspension (ISS) policies that ensure students are provided instructional services during ISS.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

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