Whenever a student is on campus during school operating hours and is wanted by the Department of Public Safety (DPS) for an alleged offense(s) not reported by the school, the following guidelines shall apply:
(a) In all cases, upon arriving on campus, DPS personnel must report first to the principal's office to inform the principal of the student(s) sought by DPS and to explain the purpose of their visit to the school. The only exception to first reporting to the principal's office is when there is a crime in progress. DPS then has the right to make an immediate arrest and report afterwards to the principal's office. The principal shall immediately notify the parent/guardian of a student who has been arrested by DPS on campus.
(b) In cases involving a felony when DPS personnel wish to question a student during school hours, the parents must be informed before such questioning may begin. The principal may be present during the questioning. A student may be released to DPS if DPS demonstrates to the school that such release is necessary in the interests of law enforcement and public safety, such as a copy of a warrant or indictment. The principal shall immediately notify the parent/guardian of a student who has been released to DPS.
(c) In cases involving a misdemeanor, DPS will make every effort to locate and question a student involved in or knowledgeable of a misdemeanor outside of school operating hours and will only resort to questioning a student during school hours when all other methods fail. In the event that questioning a student during school hours is necessary, the parent must be informed before such questioning may begin and DPS may only question a student when a principal is present. A principal does not need to release a student to DPS in cases involving a misdemeanor.