Northern Mariana Islands School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Substance Use

Discipline Compendium

Northern Mariana Islands School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Substance Use

Category: Discipline Addressing Specific Code of Conduct Violations
Subcategory: Substance Use
State: Northern Mariana Islands

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§ 3175. Prohibition of smoking on property of the public school system.

(a) It shall be unlawful at all times for any person or an employee of any public school or college to smoke on school or college property. Any person or employee who knowingly violates this section shall be subject to the penalties under 6 CMC § 3182.

(b) It shall be unlawful for any student enrolled in public schools, colleges, or trade schools in the Northern Marianas to use tobacco products of any type on school property.

(c) The Public School System and the Northern Marianas College shall establish by regulation a policy dealing with students who violate this law. This policy shall, at a minimum, include mandatory education classes on the hazards of tobacco use.


§ 60-20-446. Offense categories.

The offense categories set out in this section are intended to be illustrative but not an exclusive listing of acts of misconduct and the consequences for each. Misconduct that is not specifically listed in this section may be deemed to warrant discipline up to and including expulsion following provision of all due process procedures. In addition, the disciplinary consequence listed for each offense may be increased or decreased by the administration or the Board due to mitigating or aggravating circumstances.

(a) Category I _ Examples of offenses which may result in suspension:

(13) Possession and/or use of tobacco or cigarette rolling papers;

(14) Possession and/or distribution of drug paraphernalia; [...]

(b) Category II _ Examples of offenses for which the student will normally be suspended and which may result in expulsion and referral to law enforcement:

(7) Distribution, attempt to distribute, or possession with intent to distribute a non-controlled substance upon the representation that the substance is a controlled substance; [...]

(14) Possession, use, or distribution of controlled substance-related paraphernalia (other than betel nut or cigarette rolling papers (see category I)); [...]

(29) Possession of alcohol;

(30) Possession of illegal drugs, including betel nut.

§ 60-20-470. Student use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs and betel nut.

(a) Drugs and Alcohol

The possession, use, sale, distribution and/or intent to distribute any illegal or controlled moodaltering chemical, medication or abused chemical or alcohol or other intoxicants on school property, at school-sponsored events, and on school buses is prohibited.

(b) Smoking

Smoking on school campuses and on school buses at all times is prohibited. This prohibition applies to all PSS employees, campus visitors and PSS contractors.

(c) Betel-nut (Pugua)

The use, sale or distribution of betel-nut on Public School System campuses and on school buses is prohibited. This prohibition applies to all PSS employees, campus visitors and PSS contractors.

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U.S. Department of Education

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