Ohio School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Mental Health Literacy Training

Discipline Compendium

Ohio School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Mental Health Literacy Training

Category: Prevention, Behavioral Interventions, and Supports
Subcategory: Mental Health Literacy Training
State: Ohio

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3301.221. List of approved programs in suicide awareness and prevention and violence prevention.

(B) The department of education and workforce, in consultation with the department of public safety and the department of mental health and addiction services, shall maintain a list of approved training programs, to be posted on the department of education and workforce's web site, for instruction in suicide awareness and prevention and violence prevention as prescribed under division (A)(5)(h) of section 3313.60 and division (D) of section 3319.073 of the Revised Code. The list of approved training programs shall include at least one option that is free or of no cost to schools. The approved training programs shall be evidence-based and include the following:

(1) How to instruct school personnel to identify the signs and symptoms of depression, suicide, and self-harm in students;

(2) How to instruct students to identify the signs and symptoms of depression, suicide, and self-harm in their peers;

(3) How to identify appropriate mental health services within schools and within larger communities, and when and how to refer youth and their families to those services;

(4) How to teach students about mental health and depression, warning signs of suicide, and the importance of and processes for seeking help on behalf of self and peers and reporting of these behaviors;

(5) How to identify observable warning signs and signals of individuals who may be a threat to themselves or others;

(6) The importance of taking threats seriously and seeking help;

(7) How students can report dangerous, violent, threatening, harmful, or potentially harmful activity, including the use of the district's chosen anonymous reporting program.

3319.61. Duties of board.

(E) The standards for educator professional development developed under division (A)(5) of this section shall include the following:

(1) Standards for the inclusion of local professional development committees established under section 3319.22 of the Revised Code in the planning and design of professional development;

(2) Standards that address the crucial link between academic achievement and mental health issues.


No relevant regulations found.

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U.S. Department of Education

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