Ohio School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Multi-tiered Frameworks and Systems of Support

Discipline Compendium

Ohio School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Multi-tiered Frameworks and Systems of Support

Category: Prevention, Behavioral Interventions, and Supports
Subcategory: Multi-tiered Frameworks and Systems of Support
State: Ohio

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3302.03. Submission of preliminary report card data; grading school districts.

(C)(2) In addition to the graded measures in division (C)(1) of this section, the department shall include on a school district's or building's report card all of the following without an assigned letter grade:

(h) Whether the school district or building has implemented a positive behavior intervention and supports framework in compliance with the requirements of section 3319.46 of the Revised Code, notated as a "yes" or "no" answer.

3319.237. Courses to teach in grades pre-k through 5; curriculum; continuing education.

(A) The standards for the preparation of teachers adopted under section 3333.048 of the Revised Code shall require each institution that provides a teacher preparation program to include a semester course, or the equivalent, for all students pursuing a license to teach in any of grades pre-kindergarten through five that includes instruction on all of the following:

(1) Positive behavior intervention and supports and social-emotional development;

(2) Classroom systems for establishing the foundation for positive behavior, such as supervision, acknowledgment, prompts, and precorrection;

(3) Classroom systems for responding to unwanted behavior, including error correction and other strategies;

(4) Classroom data collection systems;

(5) Effective instructional strategies and how to implement them with fidelity;

(6) Matching curriculum to student needs and data;

(7) The impact of trauma, toxic stress, and other environmental variables on learning behavior.

(B) Within three years after the effective date of this section, each school district shall provide professional development or continuing education in positive behavior intervention and supports, as part of the school-wide implementation of the positive behavior intervention and supports framework required under section 3319.46 of the Revised Code, to all of the following:

(1) Any of the district's teachers who teach in buildings that serve students in any of grades pre-kindergarten through three and who completed a teacher preparation program prior to the effective date of this section;

(2) All of the district's administrators who serve students in any of grades pre-kindergarten through three, including the school district superintendent, building principals, and assistant principals, who have not already completed a course of instruction, professional development, or continuing education in positive behavior intervention and supports.

Each district's local professional development committee, established under section 3319.22 of the Revised Code, shall monitor compliance with division (B) of this section and shall establish model professional development courses to assist in that compliance.

3319.46. Policy and rules regarding positive behavior intervention supports and the use of physical restraint or seclusion on students; duties of board.

(A)(1) The department of education and workforce shall adopt rules under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code that establish both of the following:

(a) A policy and standards for the implementation of positive behavior intervention and supports framework […]

(B)(1) Each school district board of education shall do all of the following:

(a) Implement a positive behavior intervention and supports framework on a system-wide basis that complies with this section;

(b) Comply with any policy and standards adopted, amended, or updated by the department under this section;

(c) Submit any reports required by the department or the general assembly with respect to the implementation of a positive behavior intervention and supports framework or suspension and expulsion of students in any of grades pre-kindergarten through three.

(2) Each school district's positive behavior intervention and supports framework may focus on the following:

(a) Comprehensive, school-wide data systems that enable monitoring of academic progress, behavioral incidents, attendance, and other critical indicators across classrooms;

(b) School-wide investment in evidence-based curricula and effective instructional strategies, matched to students' needs, and data to support teachers' academic instruction;

(c) An expectation by school administrators that classroom practices be linked to and aligned with the school-wide system;

(d) Improving staff climate and culture regarding the role of discipline in the classroom, established through the use of positive and proactive communication and staff recognition.

(C) For purposes of this section, "positive behavior intervention and supports framework" or "positive behavior intervention and supports" means a multi-tiered, school-wide, behavioral framework developed and implemented for the purpose of improving academic and social outcomes and increasing learning for all students.


3301-35-15. Standards for the implementation of positive behavior intervention supports and the use of restraint and seclusion.

(A) Notwithstanding rule 3301-35-01 of the Administrative Code, the following definitions apply for purposes of this rule:

(7) "Positive behavior intervention and supports" means

(a) A school-wide systematic approach to embed evidence-based practices and data-driven decision making to improve school climate and culture in order to achieve improved academic and social outcomes, and increase learning for all students, and that

(b) Encompasses a range of systemic and individualized positive strategies to reinforce desired behaviors, diminish reoccurrences of challenging behaviors, and teach appropriate behaviors to students. [...]

(B) Implementation of positive behavior intervention and supports. Each school district shall implement positive behavior intervention and supports on a system-wide basis. [...]

(H) Policies and procedures. A school district shall develop written policies and procedures concerning the use of seclusion and restraint that are consistent with the policy on positive behavior interventions and support, restraint and seclusion, as adopted by the state board of education January 2013 (education.ohio.gov). A district's complaint procedures shall include

(1) A procedure for a parent to present written complaints to the superintendent of the school district to initiate a complaint investigation by the school district regarding an incident of restraint or seclusion; and

(2) A requirement that the school district shall respond to the parent in writing within thirty days of the filing of a complaint regarding an incident of restraint or seclusion.

These policies and procedures shall be accessible on the district's website, and each district shall be responsible for notifying all parents annually of its policies and procedures concerning seclusion and restraint.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

The contents of the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments Web site were assembled under contracts from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Supportive Schools to the American Institutes for Research (AIR), Contract Number  91990021A0020.

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