(A) The standards for the preparation of teachers adopted under section 3333.048 of the Revised Code shall require each institution that provides a teacher preparation program to include a semester course, or the equivalent, for all students pursuing a license to teach in any of grades pre-kindergarten through five that includes instruction on all of the following:
(1) Positive behavior intervention and supports and social-emotional development;
(2) Classroom systems for establishing the foundation for positive behavior, such as supervision, acknowledgment, prompts, and precorrection;
(3) Classroom systems for responding to unwanted behavior, including error correction and other strategies;
(4) Classroom data collection systems;
(5) Effective instructional strategies and how to implement them with fidelity;
(6) Matching curriculum to student needs and data;
(7) The impact of trauma, toxic stress, and other environmental variables on learning behavior.
(B) Within three years after the effective date of this section, each school district shall provide professional development or continuing education in positive behavior intervention and supports, as part of the school-wide implementation of the positive behavior intervention and supports framework required under section 3319.46 of the Revised Code, to all of the following:
(1) Any of the district's teachers who teach in buildings that serve students in any of grades pre-kindergarten through three and who completed a teacher preparation program prior to the effective date of this section;
(2) All of the district's administrators who serve students in any of grades pre-kindergarten through three, including the school district superintendent, building principals, and assistant principals, who have not already completed a course of instruction, professional development, or continuing education in positive behavior intervention and supports.
Each district's local professional development committee, established under section 3319.22 of the Revised Code, shall monitor compliance with division (B) of this section and shall establish model professional development courses to assist in that compliance.