Oregon School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Dating and Relationship Violence

Discipline Compendium

Oregon School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Dating and Relationship Violence

Category: Discipline Addressing Specific Code of Conduct Violations
Subcategory: Dating and Relationship Violence
State: Oregon

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339.366. Required policy on teen dating violence and domestic violence.

(1) As used in this section:

(a) "Dating" or "dating relationship" means an ongoing social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature between two persons. "Dating" or "dating relationship" does not include a casual relationship or ordinary fraternization between two persons in a business or social context.

(b) "Domestic violence" means abuse as defined in ORS 107.705 between family and household members, as those terms are defined in ORS 107.705.

(c) "Teen dating violence" means:

(A) A pattern of behavior in which a person uses or threatens to use physical, mental or emotional abuse to control another person who is in a dating relationship with the person, where one or both persons are 13 to 19 years of age; or

(B) Behavior by which a person uses or threatens to use sexual violence against another person who is in a dating relationship with the person, where one or both persons are 13 to 19 years of age.

(2) Each school district board shall adopt a policy that:

(a) States that teen dating violence is unacceptable and is prohibited and that each student has the right to a safe learning environment;

(b) Incorporates age-appropriate education about teen dating violence and domestic violence into new or existing training programs for students in grades 7 through 12 and school employees as recommended by the school officials identified under paragraph (d) of this subsection;

(c) Establishes procedures for the manner in which employees of a school are to respond to incidents of teen dating violence that take place at the school, on school grounds, at school-sponsored activities or in vehicles used for school-provided transportation;

(d) Identifies by job title the school officials who are responsible for receiving reports related to teen dating violence, which shall be the same school officials identified in the policy adopted by a school district under ORS 339.356; and

(e) Notifies students and parents of the teen dating violence and domestic violence policies adopted by the board.

(3) The policy adopted under subsection (2) of this section must be included in and consistent with the policy adopted by a school district under ORS 339.356.


581-022-2050. Human sexuality education.

(1) The following definitions apply to Oregon Administrative Rule 581-022-2050:

(k) "Healthy relationship" means one in which both people feel a healthy sense of "self". Each person feels comfortable and safe when spending time with the other person. Two individuals try to meet each other's needs, and each can ask for help and support, within and outside of the relationship without fear of criticism or harm. [...]

(6) The comprehensive plan of instruction shall include information that:

(g) Discusses the characteristics of the emotional, physical and psychological aspects of a healthy relationship;

(n) Teaches that consent is an essential component of healthy sexual behavior. Course material shall promote positive attitudes and behaviors related to healthy relationships and sexuality, and encourage active student bystander behavior. [...]

(10) Materials and information shall be presented in a manner sensitive to the fact that there are students who have experienced, perpetrated, or witnessed sexual abuse and relationship violence.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

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