Oregon School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Social-emotional Learning (SEL)

Discipline Compendium

Oregon School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Social-emotional Learning (SEL)

Category: Prevention, Behavioral Interventions, and Supports
Subcategory: Social-emotional Learning (SEL)
State: Oregon

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581-021-0200. Standard Education for Oregon Students.

A Standard Education for Oregon Students is comprised of:

(4) Character Education. Character Education is the process of helping students develop and practice the core ethical values that our diverse society shares and holds important. These values include, but are not limited to, respect, responsibility, caring, trustworthiness, justice and fairness, and civic virtue and citizenship.

581-022-2060. Comprehensive School Counseling.

(1)(a) District Comprehensive School Counseling. Each school district shall provide a coordinated comprehensive school counseling program to support the academic, career, social-emotional, and community involvement development of each and every student. The district shall:

(b) Adopt comprehensive school counseling program goals that assist students to:

(A) Understand and utilize the educational opportunities and alternatives available to them;

(B) Meet academic standards;

(C) Establish tentative career and educational goals;

(D) Create and maintain an education plan and education portfolio;

(E) Demonstrate the ability to utilize personal qualities, education and training, in the world of work;

(F) Develop decision-making skills;

(G) Obtain information about self;

(H) Accept increasing responsibility for their own actions, including the development of self-advocacy skills;

(I) Develop skills in interpersonal relations, including the use of affective and receptive communication;

(J) Utilize school and community resources;

(K) Demonstrate and discuss personal contributions to the larger community; and

(L) Know where and how to utilize personal skills in making contributions to the community. [...]

(3) Counseling Staff Assignments. Each school district shall maintain a licensed staff and promote effective counseling and advising practices consistent with the district's expected comprehensive school counseling program outcomes.

(a) A coordinated comprehensive school counseling program may be designed, delivered, or otherwise implemented by:

(C) A team consisting of a combination of staff who include one or more professionals licensed by the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission and the members of the team as a whole have professional training or experience in the following areas:

(iii) Social-emotional learning.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

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