Oregon School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Threat Assessment Protocols

Discipline Compendium

Oregon School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Threat Assessment Protocols

Category: Partnerships between Schools and Law Enforcement
Subcategory: Threat Assessment Protocols
State: Oregon

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339.341. Statewide School Safety and Prevention System; rules.

(3) The system required under this section shall consist of the following:

(c) Assistance to school districts and education service districts in implementing a multidisciplinary student safety assessment system to identify, assess and support students who present a potential risk for violence to others. Multidisciplinary school safety assessment teams shall be made available to assist each school district and education service district in assessing students who are engaged in violence or who are posing a threat of violence to others. The teams shall:

(A) Assess potential danger and identify circumstances and risk factors that may increase risk for potential violence;

(B) Develop management and intervention plans in collaboration with community partners; and

(C) Connect students and families to community resources and supports.


257-095-0040. Responsibilities.

(1) Department of State Police is responsible for:

(a) Establishing a statewide tip line for students and other members of the public to confidentially report information concerning threats or potential threats to student safety;

(b) The ownership and management of data entered into the SSTL;

(c) Following all records retention laws and other applicable laws and rules;

(d) Analyzing and interpreting data entered into the SSTL to help schools improve their response to safety issues;

(e) Maintaining strict confidentiality of confidential information received through tips, documents and communications submitted to the SSTL;

(f) Coordinating outreach and programmatic support to schools, school districts, Education Service Districts, law enforcement agencies and service providers involved in or entering the program;

(g) Establishing a process for documenting the closure of tips and ensuring that the process is being used.

(h) Generating analysis, reports and studies. Analysis, reports and studies shall contain only aggregated information and shall not contain any information that personally identifies reporters or any students. Reports may contain aggregated information concerning how referrals were handled by local law enforcement and service providers and the outcomes of the referrals.

(i) Ensuring training materials explain that reporters may make an anonymous report or, if they identify themselves, how their identity is protected and how it may be shared as set out in OAR 291-095-0080(2).

(j) Where possible, incorporate information on behavioral health treatment services standards under OAR chapter 309, division 019 in training and presentation information.

(2) The SSTL vendor contracted by the Department of State Police is responsible for:

(a) Receiving SSTL tips via phone, email, application on a mobile device, website submission and text message as described in OAR 257-095-0060 and processing those tips;

(b) Ensuring adequate staffing of Tip Line Technicians to handle tip volume;

(c) Ensuring SSTL is functional and capable of operation 24 hours per day, seven days per week;

(d) Providing SSTL database access and the ability to extract data for analysis to designated persons authorized by the Department of State Police;

(e) Following up on reported tips and documenting the status of tips through the SSTL;

(f) Prompting schools to provide updated responsible staff and service provider, if applicable, contact information on a regular basis;

(g) Providing physical and online information security protection including administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect assets and data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.

(h) Ensuring Tip Line Technicians have the requested qualifications, training, and experience in taking crisis calls.

(i) Maintaining a policy and procedure manual that contains specific protocols to be used depending on the nature of the tip as well as general procedures regarding interviews and taking information.

(3) The schools, school districts or Education Service Districts are responsible for:

(a) Determining, keeping current, and providing to the SSTL lists of responsible staff and service providers capable of handling tips relayed to the school, school district or Education Service District by the SSTL;

(b) Verifying the authenticity and validity of received reported threat to student safety or potential threat to student safety;

(c) Forwarding tip information to law enforcement or service providers as appropriate;

(d) Following up on assigned tips, providing information about updates and outcomes to the SSTL to the extent not prohibited by any applicable federal or state confidentiality provisions, and closing tips through the SSTL.

257-095-0050. Incident reportable through the School Safety Tip Line Program.

Threats to student safety or potential threats to student safety that are reportable to the SSTL include, but are not limited to harassment, intimidation or bullying, cyberbullying, suicide or self-harm and violence against others

257-095-0060. Receipt of tips of reportable incidents.

Tips received via the SSTL are classified and processed for appropriate school, school district or Education Service District, local law enforcement or service provider response.

(1) When the SSTL receives an incoming communication, the Tip Line Technician shall:

(a) Ask the caller's identity (for tips provided via phone and text) or confirm the identity of the person making the tip (for tips provided via website or application on a mobile device). If the person making the tip does not wish to disclose their identity, the Tip Line Technician shall also accept an anonymous tip;

(b) The Tip Line Technician shall immediately assess the situation and ensure that students (and others) are safe from harm. The Tip Line Technician may not delay in contacting responders and/or school officials if there is an immediate threat to safety;

(c) Tip Line Technicians will attempt to capture and confirm the following data by asking questions identified on templates. Components of this factual accounting process may include but are not limited to:

(i) Who is/was involved in the incident? The name of any person reported to be involved in the incident must be documented. The reporter may choose to be anonymous;

(ii) The school where the individual making the tip (if applicable) and student(s) involved are enrolled and the age of the students involved;

(iii) Specific details about the location of incident (i.e. building name/number, floor, room number, etc.);

(iv) Whether the individual reporting an incident is reporting about him/herself or another party;

(v) If more than one person is involved in the incident, the relationship, if any, of those other individuals to the school or school system;

(vi) What happened, (who did/said what to whom, etc.);

(vii) When the incident occurred (time and date, prior events if any);

(viii) Whether a school staff member was notified, and how the school responded;

(ix) Whether treatment by a service provider was sought;

(x) Name of additional institutions/agencies involved.

(d) Tip Line Technicians will use their training and expertise to categorize by type of incident and prioritize a reported or potential threat to school safety by defined level of urgency for response.

(2) The SSTL software may capture Caller ID information, email addresses, and/or Internet Protocol (IP) addresses as part of the technical solution. This information will only be retrieved, used or disclosed in accordance with Oregon Law and these rules.

(3) The Tip Line Technician shall log all tip information into the SSTL system and transmit the tip electronically to the appropriate school, school district or Education Service District, service provider or local law enforcement contacts.

257-095-0070. Tip examination, classification and referrals.

(1) Once a tip is received by the SSTL, Tip Line Technicians shall classify the reported tip based on a pre-identified set of values to designate the level of threats to student safety and level of response needed;

(2) Tips received by Tip Line Technicians shall be referred to the appropriate school, school district or Education Service District, service provider or law enforcement;

(a) Suspicious activity or non-criminal, school-safety concerns (i.e. general tips about bullying, suspicious behavior/actions discovered on social media, fights between students, reports of individuals on school grounds who may not have an appropriate reason for being there) will be routed to schools, school districts, Education Service Districts, school administrators, service providers and also to local law enforcement if the severity of the incident warrants a law enforcement response;

(b) Tips concerning potential criminal activity shall be forwarded to the appropriate law enforcement agency for that jurisdiction in addition to the notifications in subsection (2)(a);

(3) When an incoming tip received by the SSTL presents or appears to present a situation of immediate danger or threat of serious harm, the Tip Line Technician shall immediately contact the appropriate law enforcement contacts, appropriate education provider contacts, or service providers relaying all known information about the tip;

(4) When Tip Line Technicians determine it appropriate based on the nature of the tip and their training and experience, they will forward the tip to other hotlines that are available for reports of violence or crisis prevention;

(5) Tips or requests for social services that are not within the scope of the program will be referred to other hotlines or resources as available;

(6) The Tip Line Technician shall document in the SSTL system the person[s] to whom the tip was referred.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

The contents of the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments Web site were assembled under contracts from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Supportive Schools to the American Institutes for Research (AIR), Contract Number  91990021A0020.

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