Puerto Rico School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Referrals to Law Enforcement

Discipline Compendium

Puerto Rico School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Referrals to Law Enforcement

Category: Partnerships between Schools and Law Enforcement
Subcategory: Referrals to Law Enforcement
State: Puerto Rico

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18 L.P.R.A. § 3961c. Liaison officials; training programs and workshops.

The Department of Education, the Private Schools Association, the Department of the Family, the Department of Health, the Department of Justice, the Puerto Rico Police, and the Association of School Psychology of Puerto Rico shall have liaison officials in charge of handling cases of harassment and/or bullying in order to work cases from both public schools and private institutions. Furthermore, such departments and associations shall develop training programs and workshops on harassment and intimidation or bullying in public and private schools as well as higher education institutions to train teaching personnel, non-teaching personnel, parents, and students on bullying prevention, identification, and management strategies.


Regulation Num. 8115. Article IX, F. Rules and procedures for filing complaints and implementation of corrective actions.

2.B.2) Procedures for Formal Complaints

a. The School Director will inform the police as soon as possible, of acts, witnesses and persons involved in the criminal offense or crime.

Regulation Num. 8502. Article IV. Procedure.

3. Next, the actions to follow according to the pattern of unjustified absences by the student.

C. 10 days or more of incurring unjustified absences or cutting class

Responsible Person: Teacher–Social Worker–School Counselor–School Director

5. The school principal shall inform the Juvenile Court when students participate in any judicial program (as diversion or dispositive).

6. In addition, the school principal will register in the SIE relevant information regarding the referral done to the SICE, the social welfare agencies, or the Department of Justice.

7. The school principal will generate a report at the end of each school year about students who incurred in a pattern of unjustified absences and about the cases that were referred to the social welfare agencies and the Department of Justice. This report shall be sent to the Assistant Secretary of Student Support Services.

8. Notice to social welfare agencies and the Department of Justice will be done to the following offices:

Agency: Family Department (DF)

Legal Justification: Law 246-2011, Article 3, subsection (z), Article 5, subsection (7)

Place of Referral: Central Office of the DF

Program Office: Protection of Minors

Legal Justification: Law 149-1999, as amended, Article 1.03, subsection (c)

Place of Referral: Central Office of the DF

Program Office: Nutritional Assistance Program (PAN)

Agency: Public Housing Administration

Legal Justification: Law 149-1999, as amended, Article 1.03, subsection (c)

Place of Referral: Central Office of Housing

Program Office: Public Housing

Legal Justification: Law 149-1999, as amended, Article 1.03, subsection (c)

Place of Referral: Central Office of Housing

Program Office: Housing with Subsidy

Agency: Justice Department

Legal Justification: Law 149-1999, as amended, Article 1.03, subsection (c)

Place of Referral: Judicial Region where the facts occurred

Program Office: Prosecutor of the Judicial Region

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U.S. Department of Education

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