Rhode Island School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Authority to Develop and Establish Codes of Conduct

Discipline Compendium

Rhode Island School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Authority to Develop and Establish Codes of Conduct

Category: Codes of Conduct
Subcategory: Authority to Develop and Establish Codes of Conduct
State: Rhode Island

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16-2-9. General powers and duties of school committees.

(a) Unless the responsibility is otherwise delegated by this chapter, the entire care, control, and management of all public school interests of the several cities and towns shall be vested in the school committees of the several cities and towns. School committees shall have, in addition to those enumerated in this title, the following powers and duties:

(16) To establish standards for conduct in the schools and for disciplinary actions.

16-21-21. Student discipline codes.

Each school committee shall make, maintain, and enforce a student discipline code. The purpose of the code is to foster a positive environment that promotes learning. The department of elementary and secondary education shall provide necessary technical assistance in the development of the student discipline code. The school committee shall cause the school discipline code to be distributed to each student enrolled in the district. Each student and his or her parent, guardian, or custodian shall sign a statement verifying that they have been given a copy of the student discipline code of their respective school district.


200-RICR-20-10-1 Section 1.3.2. Supportive and nurturing school community.

F. Positive Behavioral Supports and Discipline

1. Each LEA shall ensure that schools promote a positive climate with emphasis on mutual respect, self-control, good attendance, order and organization, and proper security. Each LEA shall develop protocols that define a set of discipline strategies and constructs that ensure that students and adults make positive behavioral choices and that are conducive to a safe and nurturing environment that promotes academic success.

200-RICR-30-10-2 Section 2.4. Policy oversight and responsibility.

A. The school principal, director, or head of school shall be responsible for the implementation and oversight of this bullying policy.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

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