(c) A student suspended under this section may appeal the action of the school committee, or a school principal as designee, to the commissioner of elementary and secondary education who, after notice to the parties interested of the time and place of hearing, shall examine and decide the appeal without cost to the parties involved. Any decision of the commissioner in these matters shall be subject to appeal by the student to the board of regents for elementary and secondary education and any decision of the board of regents may be appealed by the student to the family court for the county in which the school is located as provided in ยง 42-35-15.
Rhode Island School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Due Process

Rhode Island School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Due Process
Category: Exclusionary Discipline: Suspension, Expulsion, and Alternative Placement
Subcategory: Due Process
State: Rhode Island
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16-2-17. Right to a safe school.
200-RICR-20-30-2 Section 2.2. Definitions.
A. For the purposes of these Rules and Regulations, the following terms shall have the following meaning:
28. "Zero tolerance" means (as defined by state policy) the purpose is to provide a school environment that is conducive to learning. The underlying belief of this policy is that all children have the right to be educated in a safe and nurturing environment. Therefore, each school system shall adopt a policy of zero tolerance for weapons, violence and illegal drugs in schools. Any student found to be in possession of a weapon, or involved in an aggravated assault as defined herein, will immediately be suspended in accordance with applicable due process provisions. During this suspension, the school district will take the necessary steps in determining any additional action to be taken, which may include long-term suspension. Zero tolerance policies cannot supersede other Federal and State Regulations, such as the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Rhode Island Regulations Governing The Education Of Children With Disabilities (Part 1 of this Subchapter).
200-RICR-30-10-2 Section 2.7. Investigation.
A. The school principal, director or head of school shall promptly investigate all allegations of bullying, harassment, or intimidation. If the allegation is found to be credible, appropriate disciplinary actions, subject to applicable due process requirements, will be imposed. The School Resource Officer or other qualified staff may be utilized to mediate bullying situations.