B. Supports and Interventions through Systematic Problem Solving
1. Each LEA shall provide student-centered, data-driven supports and interventions utilizing a problem-solving process, building on the foundation of a guaranteed and viable comprehensive program of study. This process shall be comprehensive and systematic and focused at the individual student level in order to provide access to supports and interventions as may be necessary at the classroom, school, and district levels to ensure that each student is provided with supports and interventions designed to enable that student to achieve academic success. The LEA shall provide a full continuum of universal, targeted, and intensive supports that are culturally and linguistically appropriate, research-based, and designed to respond to student needs in compliance with the specific requirements for support services described herein.
2. Each LEA shall develop school and district level data-based, decision-making teams. These teams shall review comprehensive assessment data to develop, evaluate and modify academic instruction and support services. Descriptions of such teams shall include the purpose of each team, team composition, and the frequency with which each team meets.
3. The LEA's problem-solving approach to determine appropriate levels of support and intervention must include identification of student-based issues (specifying both target and actual performance), identification of supports and interventions developed to address those issues, measurements designed to evaluate responsiveness, and the identification of responsible LEA staff.