A. Procedures. Public education programs shall develop written procedures regarding appropriate responses to student behavior that may require the use of physical restraint/crisis intervention. Such procedures shall be annually reviewed and provided to school staff and made available to parents of enrolled students. Such procedures shall include, but not be limited to:
1. Methods for preventing student violence, self-injurious behavior, and suicide, including de-escalation of potentially dangerous behavior occurring among groups of students or with an individual student;
2. A school policy regarding intervention that provides a description and explanation of the school's or program's method of physical restraint/crisis intervention, a description of the school's or program's training requirements, monitoring and reporting requirements, internal review and follow-up procedures, and a procedure for receiving and investigating complaints regarding restraint practices.
B. Required Training For All Staff. Each public education program shall designate personnel to determine a time and methods to provide all staff with training regarding the school's physical restraint/crisis intervention policies. Such training shall occur at least annually not later than within the first month of each school year. For employees hired after the school year begins, this training shall take place within the first month of their employment. Training shall be approved by the Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education and shall include information as required by R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-158-5 in addition to the following:
1. The program's restraint policy;
2. Interventions that may preclude the need for restraint, including de-escalation of problematic behaviors;
3. Types of restraints and related safety considerations, including information regarding the increased risk of injury to a student when an extended restraint is used;
4. Administering physical restraint in accordance with known medical or psychological limitations and/or behavioral intervention plans applicable to an individual student; and
5. Identification of program staff who have received advanced training pursuant to § 2.3(C) of this Part in the use of physical restraint/crisis intervention.
C. Advanced Staff Training on the Use of Physical Restraint/Crisis Intervention. At the start of each school year, every public education program shall identify staff that are authorized to serve as a school-wide based resource to assist other staff in ensuring proper administration of physical restraint and crisis interventions. These staff members shall participate in advanced training in the use of physical restraint/crisis intervention beyond the basic training offered to all staff and the public education program shall document the extent of such training.
D. Content of Advanced Training. The advanced training required by § 2.3(C) of this Part in the proper administration of physical restraint/crisis intervention shall include, but not be limited to:
1. Appropriate procedures for preventing the need for physical restraint/crisis intervention, including the de-escalation of problematic behavior, relationship building and the use of alternatives to such restraints;
2. A description and identification of dangerous behaviors on the part of students that may indicate the need for physical restraint/ crisis intervention and methods for evaluating the risk of harm in individual situations in order to determine whether the use of physical restraint and crisis interventions are warranted;
3. The simulated experience of administering and receiving physical restraint/crisis intervention, instruction regarding the effect(s) on the person restrained, including instruction on monitoring physical signs of distress and obtaining medical assistance;
4. Instruction regarding documentation and reporting requirements and investigation of injuries and complaints; and
5. Demonstration by participants of proficiency in administering physical restraint/crisis intervention.