Rhode Island School Discipline Laws & Regulations: School-based Behavioral Health Programs

Discipline Compendium

Rhode Island School Discipline Laws & Regulations: School-based Behavioral Health Programs

Category: Prevention, Behavioral Interventions, and Supports
Subcategory: School-based Behavioral Health Programs
State: Rhode Island

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16-21-23. School safety teams, school crisis response teams, and school safety assessments.

(c) The school crisis response team shall be comprised of those selected school personnel willing to serve as members of a psychological response team to address the psychological and emotional needs of the school community, and may seek mental health resources from the department of elementary and secondary education. Members of the school crisis response team may coordinate mental health services for those students and school employees affected by acts of violence in the schools, using resources available through the department of elementary and secondary education.

16-21-24. Requirements of school safety plans, school emergency response plans, and school crisis response plans.

(b) School safety plans, as required by this chapter, shall further include school emergency response plans specific to each school building contained within each city, town, or regional school district, and shall be developed and approved in consultation with local police and fire. The state police shall provide consultation for those school districts that for whatever reason may not have access to local police. School emergency response plans shall include, and address, but not be limited to, the following elements:

(8) Policies and procedures for ensuring timely access to mental health services for those students and school employees affected by a violent incident.

16-73.1-1. Compilation of data–School social worker duties and responsibilities.

(a) Accumulated data is needed to identify and assess the workload, duties, and responsibilities of school social workers. The 2009 basic education plan drafted by the department of education:

(1) Delegates to the local education agency the ultimate responsibility for the operation of a system of education and support services that is reasonably designed and adequately resourced to achieve compliance with all aspects of the basic education plan;

(2) Requires that the local education agency provide a supportive and nurturing school community; and

(3) Provides adequate psychological, mental health, and social services.


200-RICR-20-10-1 Section 1.3.3. Health and social service supports.

A. Health, mental health, and social service needs of children and their families may be barriers to academic success. Each LEA shall therefore provide and/or facilitate partnerships with community agencies to provide, on site or through referral, a broad array of services and supports to meet these needs. [...]

C. Psychological and Mental Health Services

1. Mental and emotional health issues directly impede students' abilities to learn. Such issues include bullying, alcohol and drug abuse, depression, anxiety, and domestic violence, as well as psychiatric disorders.

2. Therefore, each LEA shall:

a. Ensure that students have access to a coordinated program of culturally and linguistically responsive psychological and mental health services, on site or through effective referral systems;

b. Ensure that school psychological and mental health services will be provided by appropriately credentialed, high quality staff. Services must provide for identification of risks and assessment of service needs; primary prevention; individual, family, and group counseling; consultative services; and resource and service coordination; and

c. To the extent practicable, ensure that schools coordinate with community youth development, prevention, and treatment efforts.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

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