Rhode Island School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Threat Assessment Protocols

Discipline Compendium

Rhode Island School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Threat Assessment Protocols

Category: Partnerships between Schools and Law Enforcement
Subcategory: Threat Assessment Protocols
State: Rhode Island

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16-21-23.2. Threat assessment teams and oversight committees.

(a) Each local school board or committee shall adopt written policies for the establishment of threat assessment teams, including the assessment of and intervention with individuals whose behavior may pose a threat to the safety of school staff or students consistent with the model policies developed by the school safety committee. The policies shall include procedures for referrals to community services or healthcare providers for evaluation or treatment when appropriate.

(b) The superintendent of each school district shall establish a district committee charged with oversight of the threat assessment teams operating within the district, which may be an existing committee established by the district. The committee shall include individuals with expertise in guidance, counseling, school administration, mental health, and law enforcement.

(c) Each district superintendent shall establish, for each school, a threat assessment team that shall include persons with expertise in guidance, counseling, school administration, mental health, and law enforcement. Threat assessment teams may be established to serve schools as determined by the district superintendent. Each team shall:

(1) Provide guidance to students, faculty, and staff regarding recognition of threatening or aberrant behavior that may represent a threat to the community, school, or self;

(2) Identify members of the school community to whom threatening behavior should be reported; and

(3) Implement policies adopted by the local school board or committee pursuant to subsection (a).

(d) Upon preliminary determination that a student poses a threat of violence or physical harm to self or others, a threat assessment team shall immediately report its determination to the district superintendent or designee. The building administrator or designee may, if appropriate, attempt to notify the student's parent or legal guardian. Nothing in this subsection shall preclude school district personnel from acting immediately to address an imminent threat.

(e) No member of a threat assessment team shall disclose any information obtained pursuant to this section or otherwise use any record of an individual beyond the purpose for which the disclosure was made to the threat assessment team.


216-RICR-20-10-4 Section 4.40. School safety.

4.40.3 School Safety Plans

A. In accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 16-21-23(b), the school committee of each city, town, and regional school department is required to adopt a comprehensive school safety plan that addresses preparedness, response and recovery and meets the policy and procedure requirements in R.I. Gen. Laws § 16-21-24.

1. The school safety plan must include best practices and relevant provisions of the current state model plan as published by RIDE including:

a. Guidance for communicating threats of violence or harm to the specifically identifiable student(s) and/or school personnel who are the subject of said threats by individuals or groups.

b. Standards for determining those threats of violence or harm that meet the threshold of seriousness and reasonableness so that communication of said threats to specifically identifiable students and/or school personnel is justified;

2. The school committee is required to review and update the school safety plans by November 1 of each year in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 16-21-25.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

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