South Dakota School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Authorizations, Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs), and/or Funding

Discipline Compendium

South Dakota School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Authorizations, Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs), and/or Funding

Category: Partnerships between Schools and Law Enforcement
Subcategory: Authorizations, Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs), and/or Funding
State: South Dakota

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§ 13-64-1. School board may implement school sentinel program.

Any school board may create, establish, and supervise the arming of school employees, hired security personnel, or volunteers in such manner and according to such protocols as the board may believe to be most likely to secure or enhance the deterrence of physical threat and defense of the school, its students, its staff, and members of the public on the school premises against violent attack. Those so authorized shall be referred to as school sentinels.

§ 13-64-2. Approval of law enforcement official required.

Before any school board may implement any school sentinel program pursuant to § 13-64-1, or effect any material changes in the personnel or protocols of the school sentinel program, the school board shall obtain the approval of the law enforcement official who has jurisdiction over the school premises. Any material changes in the school sentinel program's personnel or protocols shall be reported to all law enforcement agencies with jurisdiction over the school premises forthwith.


No relevant regulations found.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

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