South Dakota School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Firearms and Other Weapons Violations

Discipline Compendium

South Dakota School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Firearms and Other Weapons Violations

Category: Discipline Addressing Specific Code of Conduct Violations
Subcategory: Firearms and Other Weapons Violations
State: South Dakota

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§ 13-32-4. School board to assist in discipline-Suspension and expulsion of pupils-Report to local authorities-Hearings-Alternative settings.

The school board of every school district shall assist and cooperate with the administration and teachers in the government and discipline of the schools. The board may suspend or expel from school any student for violation of rules or policies or for insubordination or misconduct, and the superintendent or principal in charge of the school may temporarily suspend any student in accordance with § 13-32-4.2. The rules or policies may include prohibiting the following:

(1) The consumption or possession of beer or alcoholic beverages on the school premises or at school activities;

(2) The use or possession of a controlled substance, without a valid prescription, on the school premises or at school activities; and

(3) The use or possession of a firearm, as provided in § 13-32-7, on or in any elementary or secondary school premises, vehicle, or building or any premises, vehicle, or building used or leased for elementary or secondary school functions or activities.

In addition to administrative and school board disciplinary action, any violation of § 13-32-7 shall be reported to local law enforcement authorities.

The period of expulsion may extend beyond the semester in which the violation, insubordination, or misconduct occurred. Any expulsion for consumption or possession of beer or alcoholic beverages may not extend beyond ninety school days. If a student has intentionally brought a firearm onto school premises, the expulsion may not be for less than twelve months.

However, the superintendent or chief administering officer of each local school district or system may increase or decrease the length of a firearm-related expulsion on a case-by-case basis. The South Dakota Board of Education shall promulgate rules pursuant to chapter 1-26 to establish administrative due process procedures for the protection of a student's rights. The administrative due process procedures shall include a requirement that the school give notice of a student's due process rights to the parent or guardian of the student at the time of suspension or expulsion. Each school district board shall provide a procedural due process hearing, if requested, for a student in accordance with such rules if the suspension or expulsion of the student extends into the eleventh school day.

This section does not preclude other forms of discipline which may include suspension or expulsion from a class or activity.

This section does not prohibit a local school district from providing educational services to an expelled student in an alternative setting.

§ 13-32-7. Possession of firearms or dangerous weapon on public elementary or secondary school premises or in vehicle or building as misdemeanor-Exceptions.

Any person, other than a law enforcement officer or school sentinel under § 13-64-1, who intentionally carries, possesses, stores, keeps, leaves, places, or puts into the possession of another person, any dangerous weapon, firearm, or air gun, whether or not the firearm or air gun is designed, adapted, used, or intended to be used primarily for imitative or noisemaking purposes, on or in any public elementary or secondary school premises, vehicle, or building, or on or in any premises, vehicle, or building used or leased for public elementary or secondary school functions, whether or not any person is endangered by any action under this section, is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. The provisions of this section do not apply to;

(1) Use of a starting gun at an athletic event:

(2) Any firearm or air gun at a:

(a) Firing range;

(b) Gun show;

(c) Supervised school or session for training in the use of firearms; or

(d) Ceremonial presence of unloaded weapons at color guard ceremonies;

(3) Any nonpublic school;

(4) Any church or other house of worship; or

(5) Any nonpublic school located on the premises of a church or other house of worship.


24:05:26.01:07.01. Authority of school personnel-Weapons, drugs, and serious bodily injury.

Weapons, drugs, and serious bodily injury. School district personnel shall follow the procedures under § 24:05:26:08.01 if an expulsion is anticipated because of a student's violation of rules or policies pertaining to weapons and drugs.

24:05:26:08.01. Authority of school personnel-Weapons, drugs, and serious bodily injury.

School personnel may remove a student to an appropriate interim alternative setting for not more than 45 school days, without regard to whether the behavior is determined to be a manifestation of the student's disability, if:

(1) The student carries a weapon to or possesses a weapon at school, on school premises, or at school or to a school function under the jurisdiction of a state or local education agency;

(2) The student knowingly possesses or uses illegal drugs or sells or solicits the sale of a controlled substance while at school, on school premises, or at a school function under the jurisdiction of a state or local educational agency; or

(3) The student has inflicted serious bodily injury upon another person while at school, on school premises, or at a school function under the jurisdiction of the state education agency or a school district.

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U.S. Department of Education

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