EDSCLS Data Reporting

ED School Climate Surveys (EDSCLS)

Data Reporting

The EDSCLS platform provides reports with climate scale scores for the three school climate domains, as well as for topics within each domain, as appropriate, to education agencies administering the surveys.

  • Schools administering the survey to students are able to examine these scale scores for the entire school and by grade level, race/ethnicity, or gender, and will also have access to the response distributions of each survey question for the entire school.
  • Schools administering the survey to instructional staff and/or noninstructional staff can examine these scores for the entire school and by gender or race/ethnicity.
  • Districts administering the surveys will have the additional ability to produce reports that compare EDSCLS data between schools and compare individual schools with the entire district.
  • States hosting the survey are also able to produce reports that compare EDSCLS data between districts and compare individual districts with the entire state.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

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