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2024-10-15 08:00:00
2024-10-16 17:00:00
Action Collaborative on Preventing Sexual Harassment 2024 Public Summit
This Public Summit of the National Academies is an open forum for those in the higher education ecosystem collaboratively to identify, discuss, and elevate innovative and promising approaches and new research on addressing and preventing sexual harassment. This annual event brings together a diverse group, including members and partner network organizations of the Action Collaborative, the broader higher education community, sexual harassment researchers and response practitioners, grassroots and nonprofit organizations, public and private foundations, and federal and state policymakers. For questions and any additional information, please email SHactioncollab@nas.edu.
Michigan State University and Virtually Online
Michigan State University and Virtually Online
This Public Summit of the National Academies is an open forum for those in the higher education ecosystem collaboratively to identify, discuss, and elevate innovative and promising approaches and new research on addressing and preventing sexual harassment. This annual event brings together a diverse group, including members and partner network organizations of the Action Collaborative, the broader higher education community, sexual harassment researchers and response practitioners, grassroots and nonprofit organizations, public and private foundations, and federal and state policymakers. For questions and any additional information, please email SHactioncollab@nas.edu.