Establishing Supportive Relationships between Teachers, Staff, Students, and Families

Event Date
Add to Calendar 2011-02-16 16:00:00 2011-02-16 16:00:00 Establishing Supportive Relationships between Teachers, Staff, Students, and Families Description and Presenter Information During this Webinar, Clay Roberts, senior trainer from Vision Training Associates, presented on how to promote a more supportive school community; build strong, more caring relationships between and among everyone in the school; and intentionally build the developmental strengths of students. This session asserted that establishing a positive climate and enhancing relationships sets the foundation for minimizing conflict. It also moved beyond “zero tolerance” to strategies and skills that increase the school’s effectiveness in managing conflict. Intended Audience This Webinar is appropriate for school administrators, teacher leaders, professional and certified staff, home-school liaisons, guidance counselors, and social workers.  Webinar Materials View the recorded Webinar (Windows Media Video)Having difficulty with the video?Download the presentation (PDF) Questions and Answers (PDF) America/New_York public

Description and Presenter Information

During this Webinar, Clay Roberts, senior trainer from Vision Training Associates, presented on how to promote a more supportive school community; build strong, more caring relationships between and among everyone in the school; and intentionally build the developmental strengths of students. This session asserted that establishing a positive climate and enhancing relationships sets the foundation for minimizing conflict. It also moved beyond “zero tolerance” to strategies and skills that increase the school’s effectiveness in managing conflict.

Intended Audience

This Webinar is appropriate for school administrators, teacher leaders, professional and certified staff, home-school liaisons, guidance counselors, and social workers. 

Webinar Materials

Download the presentation (PDF)

Questions and Answers (PDF)

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

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