About this Virtual Training
It's crucial that school-based professionals have the information and skills they need to understand how student behavioral health information can be shared and protected. By creating a strong network of school professionals that understand the federal health privacy laws that impact their students, schools will be equipped to address the rising need for behavioral health services and improve health outcomes.
To assist mental health professionals working in schools in understanding how the federal health privacy laws apply to student mental health information, the Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) Network and the Center of Excellence for Protected Health Information (CoE-PHI) are hosting a 90-minute virtual training that will:
- Describe how federal health privacy laws (e.g., HIPAA and FERPA) apply to student mental health information
- Explain how student mental health information can be protected and shared in compliance with federal health privacy laws
- Discuss common scenarios involving student mental health information that arise in school settings through case study discussions led by clinical and legal experts
- Demonstrate how relevant resources and technical assistance can be accessed through the MHTTC Network and the CoE-PHI.
Please note: This learning session builds on the 2-part learning series, Federal Health Privacy Laws: Basics for School Professionals, held by the MHTTC Network and the CoE-PHI in Spring 2023. We encourage you to access the recordings from last year’s learning series and we look forward to sharing new clinical scenarios with you this year!
- Who Should Attend?
Health and mental health providers employed by a school district - Community providers contracted by a school district to work on site
- School-Based/School-Linked Health Center providers
- School administrators, teachers, school counselors, athletic trainers, and other school personnel
Certificates of attendance will be made available to attendees who attend at least half of the session. CEU's are not available for this session. Questions? Please contact Jessica Gonzalez at jegonzalez@stanford.edu.