Project Prevent Webinar: School-based Mental Health Services Programs

Event Date
Add to Calendar 2015-06-04 14:00:00 2015-06-04 14:00:00 Project Prevent Webinar: School-based Mental Health Services Programs Provides participants with the skills to develop a school-based mental health services program by (1) building an infrastructure to support a comprehensive school-focused mental/behavioral health program; (2) developing partnerships to assess student and community needs; (3) determining the resources that are needed, and available, to pay for those services; (4) developing and supporting evidence-based approaches to fit the needs of students and schools; and (5) systematically collecting evidence to inform continuous improvement and accountability. Webinar Materials Listen/View Webinar View PowerPoint Q&A Summary Templates When to Refer a Student form template Referral Form template 1 Referral Form template 2 Consent for Treatment form template Release Information To/From School form template Release Information To/From General form template 1 Release Information To/From General form template 2 School Mental Health Memorandum of Agreement template Request for Proposal Template (For requesting proposals from community providers to meet your school(s) mental health service needs) Tracking Log Example (To track mental health services provided) Action Plan for School Based Mental Health School Mental Health Guidebook Webinar Webinar America/New_York public

Provided participants with the skills to develop a school-based mental health services program by (1) building an infrastructure to support a comprehensive school-focused mental/behavioral health program; (2) developing partnerships to assess student and community needs; (3) determining the resources that are needed, and available, to pay for those services; (4) developing and supporting evidence-based approaches to fit the needs of students and schools; and (5) systematically collecting evidence to inform continuous improvement and accountability.

Webinar Materials

Listen/View Webinar

View Powerpoint

Q&A Summary


When to Refer a Student Form Template

Referral Form Template 1

Referral Form Template 2

Consent for Treatment Form Template

Release Information To/From School Form Template

Release Information To/From General Form Template 1

Release Information To/From General Form Template 2

School Mental Health Memorandum of Agreement Template

Request for Proposal Template (For requesting proposals from community providers to meet your school(s) mental health service needs)

Tracking Log Example (To track mental health services provided)

Action Plan for School Based Mental Health

School Mental Health Guidebook


American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

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