Information and Tools to Promote Student Mental Health

Information and Tools to Promote Student Mental Health

As States, districts and schools face increasing challenges in promoting student mental health, especially as we respond to COVID-19, civil unrest and tension in many communities, it is imperative to draw upon best practices. This webpage provides NCSSLE-developed information and tools, such as customizable worksheets, to promote, implement, and sustain school mental health programs based on best practices. 




Partnering With Colleges and Universities to Improve Your K-12 School Mental Health SystemDescribes opportunities, strategies, and exemplars for colleges and universities to help build comprehensive school mental health services.
Mental Health Screening Tools for Grades K-12Provides information on considerations for screening tool use and example screening tools.
Paving the Way for Sustainable School Mental Health Programs with Participatory PlanningOffers questions to consider when working with partners in sustaining school mental health programs.
What Do School Staff and Community Stakeholders Need to Know About School Mental Health?Provides a worksheet to assist school and district leaders in thinking through what staff and community partners need to know about mental health.
Implementing School Mental Health Supports: Best Practices in ActionProvides guidance to SEAs in planning comprehensive and sustainable approaches for preventing, identifying, and treating mental health in schools, including addressing violence and trauma.
Early Action Planning for Sustainability of School Mental Health ProgramsOffers a worksheet that reviews five key steps in planning for a sustainable school mental health program.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

The contents of the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments Web site were assembled under contracts from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Supportive Schools to the American Institutes for Research (AIR), Contract Number  91990021A0020.

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