Bourbon County Schools, an Elementary and Secondary School Counseling grant recipient, provides its students with a series of mental health services and supports using grant funding. These services include individual and group sessions, addressing intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships with peers and adults, academics, managing stressful and inter-familial challenges, and bullying prevention. In the previous school year, 2016-17, the mental health professionals provided an average of 466 group sessions to elementary students. That same school year, 43% of students in the elementary schools received individual counseling by the elementary mental health professionals in 2016-17. Through grant funding, staff receive guidance and training on how to continue to support their students’ mental health development through collaboration and classroom behavioral strategies. As a result of these efforts, Bourbon County Schools have increased the number of individual (unduplicated) referrals for students in the elementary programs from year 1 to year 2 of the grant by 34%.