Reasons to Be Optimistic About Student Success Efforts

A recent IHE survey of university and college student success administrators found that they are confident in the quality of education their institution provides and say their college is effective in making student success an institutional priority. There are, however, still many areas where administrators say their institution can improve, with greater effort among faculty being the most common desired action. This episode of The Key explores the results of our survey and how they compare with what students have told us in other polls. We’ll also hear a case study on how a teaching and learning center is encouraging faculty to be active participants in students’ success. Joining the discussion are Colleen Flaherty, special content editor at Inside Higher Ed, and Trey Conatser, assistant provost for teaching and learning at the University of Kentucky and director of UK’s Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning. Both discussions paint an optimistic overall picture of how institutions are working to find innovative ways to support their students so they can stay in college and graduate. You can read more about our survey findings in our article “Survey: Student Success Administrators Optimistic.” Free access to podcast here

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