The COVID-19 pandemic created an acute need for virtual and hybrid learning environments across the United States. These multiple learning environments presented a challenge to States, districts, and schools thinking about measuring school climate. In response, NCSSLE created a survey item bank that offers a list of survey items States, districts, and schools may want to incorporate into their school climate surveys to address the multiple learning environments in which their students, families, teachers and staff are operating. As most students returned to full-time in-person learning, some districts have continued offering remote learning options. To support schools that offer remote, these items continue to offer flexibility for education agencies that are administering school climate surveys to adapt questions to their unique environments.
Below is a list of school climate survey items for a variety of respondents. The topics are based on the model which frames the U.S. Department of Education School Climate Surveys (EDSCLS). (Alternatively, a summary file [PDF] of items by respondent type is also available.)
Subtopic |
Source Survey |
Item Stem |
Response Options |
Item Type |
Relationships |
Adapted from Community and Youth Collaborative Institute (CAYCI) School Experiences Surveys 2016 |
I have friends at school that support and care about me. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Relationships |
New Item |
I regularly talk to or connect with friends from school. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Relationships |
Authoritative School Climate Survey (ASCS) 2016 |
I am comfortable asking my teachers or other adults (e.g., parents, counselor, other family member) for help with my schoolwork. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Relationships |
Adapted from ASCS 2016 |
At my school there is at least one teacher or other adult who listens to what I have to say. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
School Participation |
SCCS 2016, Grades 3-5 and 6-12 |
I try hard to do well in school. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
School Participation |
REACH Survey 2016 |
I work hard on all assignments even if they won't affect my grade. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
School Participation |
Adapted from Conditions for Learning (CFL) High School Survey |
At least one of the topics we are studying is interesting and challenging to me. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
School Participation |
CAYCI 2016 |
I like the challenge of learning new things in school. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Subtopic |
Source Survey |
Item Stem |
Response Options |
Item Type |
Emotional Safety |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
During the COVID-19 pandemic, a parent or other adult in my home lost their job or was worried about losing their job. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Physical Safety |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
During the COVID-19 pandemic, a parent or other adult in my home was able to take me to a doctor for my regular checkups, or if I wasn't feeling well. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Physical Safety |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
In the past 30 days, I didn't eat because there wasn't enough food at my house. |
[] Always |
Select One |
Subtopic |
Source Survey |
Item Stem |
Response Options |
Item Type |
Instructional Environment |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
I have access to a digital device (e.g., computer, laptop, tablet, phone) and reliable internet connection (e.g., modem, hotspot) to do my school work. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Instructional Environment |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
My teachers notice if I have trouble learning something. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Instructional Environment |
Youth Development Executives of King County (YDEKC) Youth Engagement, Motivation, and Beliefs Survey |
What I do at school is challenging in a good way. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Mental Health |
Student Agency Survey |
Even when things are tough, I can perform quite well. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Mental Health |
School Climate and Connectedness Survey (SCCS) 2016, Grades 3-5 |
I set goals related to my schoolwork and try to reach them. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Mental Health |
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey (YRBSS) |
In the past 30 days, how often was your mental health not good? (Poor mental health includes stress, anxiety, and depression.) |
[] Always |
Select One |
Subtopic |
Source Survey |
Item Stem |
Response Options |
Item Type |
School Participation |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
I try to understand why my students are or are not actively participating in class. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Subtopic |
Source Survey |
Item Stem |
Response Options |
Item Type |
Emotional Safety |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
To what extent is each of the following a concern for you right now: My own health or that of my loved ones, and/or access to medical services (doctors, hospitals, affordable care) |
[] A major concern |
Select One |
Emotional Safety |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
To what extent is each of the following a concern for you right now: Paying the bills |
[] A major concern |
Select One |
Emotional Safety |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
To what extent is each of the following a concern for you right now: Job security |
[] A major concern |
Select One |
Emotional Safety |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
To what extent is each of the following a concern for you right now: Access to food |
[] A major concern |
Select One |
Emotional Safety |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
To what extent is each of the following a concern for you right now: Housing needs |
[] A major concern |
Select One |
Emotional Safety |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
To what extent is each of the following a concern for you right now: Responsibilities to care for my own children or other loved ones |
[] A major concern |
Select One |
Emotional Safety |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
To what extent is each of the following a concern for you right now: Feelings of isolation |
[] A major concern |
Select One |
Emotional Safety |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
To what extent is each of the following a concern for you right now: Feelings of burnout |
[] A major concern |
Select One |
Emotional Safety |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
To what extent is your well-being (physical and mental) and the well-being of your family a concern for you right now. |
[] A major concern |
Select One |
Emotional Safety |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
During the COVID-19 pandemic, I lost my job or was worried about losing my job, even for a short amount of time. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Emotional Safety |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
During the COVID-19 pandemic, someone in my household lost their job or was worried about losing their job, even for a short amount of time. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Physical Safety |
New Hampshire School Transition, Reopening, and Redesign Task Force (STRRT) Teacher Survey |
I am concerned about my health (physical and mental) and safety upon returning to school. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Physical Safety |
New Hampshire STRRT Teacher Survey |
I am concerned about my students' health and safety upon returning to school in person. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Physical Safety |
New Hampshire STRRT Teacher Survey |
I would feel safer at school if staff and students wore CDC approved masks all day. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Physical Safety |
New Hampshire STRRT Teacher Survey |
I would feel safer at school if the school/district made personal protective equipment (PPE) (e.g., CDC approved masks, hand sanitizer, gloves, face shields) available for students and staff who do not have them. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Physical Safety |
New Hampshire STRRT Teacher Survey |
I would feel safer at school if building safety measures and policies, including contact tracing, social distancing, and upgrading air filtration systems, were in place. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Physical Safety |
New Hampshire STRRT Teacher Survey |
I would feel safer in school if social distancing plans for in-person schooling were developed and implemented. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Physical Safety |
New Hampshire STRRT Teacher Survey |
I would feel safer in school if more COVID-19 testing were available. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Physical Safety |
New Hampshire STRRT Teacher Survey |
I would feel safer at school if school continued to operate remotely until a vaccine is readily available. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Physical Safety |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
I have adequate support and resources regarding: Access to meals/food |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Physical Safety |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
I have adequate support and resources regarding: Access to doctors and health-related services |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Subtopic |
Source Survey |
Item Stem |
Response Options |
Item Type |
Instructional Environment |
New Item |
Are you working primarily: |
[] In person, at your school, with all students attending in person and no students attending virtually |
Select One |
Instructional Environment |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
I receive enough support and resources to meet the unique challenges of this school year from my school administration. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Instructional Environment |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
I receive enough support and resources to meet the unique challenges of this school year from my district or charter (e.g., ensuring access to technology, offering adapted curriculum). |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Instructional Environment |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
Students at my school have the support and resources they need to be successful with their learning. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Instructional Environment |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
My school or district/charter has shared a plan to address the recovery of learning for all students. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Instructional Environment |
New Hampshire School Transition, Reopening, and Redesign Task Force (STRRT) Teacher Survey |
I am comfortable supporting my students with the different technology and tools required for remote learning. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Instructional Environment |
SoGo Survey: Teacher Engagement Survey |
I am motivated to contribute more than what is expected of me at this school. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Instructional Environment |
New Item |
I make myself available to my students outside of class time. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Mental Health |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
I am able to stay on top of my work and personal responsibilities. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Mental Health |
Engaged Teacher Scale |
I feel happy while teaching. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Mental Health |
Engaged Teacher Scale |
I am excited about teaching. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Subtopic |
Source Survey |
Item Stem |
Response Options |
Item Type |
Emotional Safety |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
To what extent is each of the following a concern for you right now: My own health or that of my loved ones, and/or access to medical services (doctors, hospitals, affordable care) |
[] A major concern |
Select One |
Emotional Safety |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
To what extent is each of the following a concern for you right now: Paying the bills |
[] A major concern |
Select One |
Emotional Safety |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
To what extent is each of the following a concern for you right now: Job security |
[] A major concern |
Select One |
Emotional Safety |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
To what extent is each of the following a concern for you right now: Access to food |
[] A major concern |
Select One |
Emotional Safety |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
To what extent is each of the following a concern for you right now: Housing needs |
[] A major concern |
Select One |
Emotional Safety |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
To what extent is each of the following a concern for you right now: Responsibilities to care for my own children or other loved ones |
[] A major concern |
Select One |
Emotional Safety |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
To what extent is each of the following a concern for you right now: Feelings of isolation |
[] A major concern |
Select One |
Emotional Safety |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
To what extent is each of the following a concern for you right now: Feelings of burnout |
[] A major concern |
Select One |
Emotional Safety |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
To what extent is your well-being (physical and mental) and the well-being of your family a concern for you right now. |
[] A major concern |
Select One |
Emotional Safety |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
During the COVID-19 pandemic, I lost my job or was worried about losing my job, even for a short amount of time. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Emotional Safety |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
During the COVID-19 pandemic, someone in my household lost their job or was worried about losing their job, even for a short amount of time. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Physical Safety |
New Hampshire School Transition, Reopening, and Redesign Task Force (STRRT) School Leader Survey |
I am concerned about my health (physical and mental) and safety upon returning to school. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Physical Safety |
New Hampshire STRRT School Leader Survey |
I am concerned about my students' health and safety upon returning to school in person. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Physical Safety |
New Hampshire STRRT Teacher Survey |
I would feel safer at school if staff and students wore CDC approved masks all day. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Physical Safety |
New Hampshire STRRT Teacher Survey |
I would feel safer at school if the school/district made personal protective equipment (PPE) (e.g., CDC approved masks, hand sanitizer, gloves, face shields) available for students and staff who do not have them. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Physical Safety |
New Hampshire STRRT Teacher Survey |
I would feel safer at school if building safety measures and policies, including contact tracing, social distancing, and upgrading air filtration systems, were in place. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Physical Safety |
New Hampshire STRRT Teacher Survey |
I would feel safer at school if social distancing plans for in-person schooling were developed and implemented. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Physical Safety |
New Hampshire STRRT Teacher Survey |
I would feel safer at school if more COVID-19 testing were available. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Physical Safety |
New Hampshire STRRT Teacher Survey |
I would feel safer at school if school continued to operate remotely until a vaccine is readily available. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Physical Safety |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
I have adequate support and resources regarding: Access to meals/food |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Physical Safety |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
I have adequate support and resources regarding: Access to doctors and health-related services |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Subtopic |
Source Survey |
Item Stem |
Response Options |
Item Type |
Instructional Environment |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
Students at my school have the support and resources they need to be successful with their learning. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Instructional Environment |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
My school or district/charter has shared a plan to address the recovery of learning for all students. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Mental Health |
Nevada School Well-Being Survey |
I am able to stay on top of my work and personal responsibilities. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Subtopic |
Source Survey |
Item Stem |
Response Options |
Item Type |
Cultural & Linguistic Competence |
New Item |
This school provides me with communication that is easy to understand. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Cultural & Linguistic Competence |
New Item |
This school provides me with communication (e.g., e-mails, online newsletters, written communication) that is easy to access. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Relationships |
New Item |
I am connected to other families at this school and we support each other. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Relationships |
New Item |
I know who to connect with at my child's school to request additional supports (e.g., tutoring, accommodations). |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
School Participation |
New Item |
I have the information I need (e.g., schedule, class expectations, attendance and participation policies) to support my child's learning at home. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Subtopic |
Source Survey |
Item Stem |
Response Options |
Item Type |
Physical Safety |
New Hampshire School Transition, Reopening, and Redesign Task Force (STRRT) Parent Survey |
I am concerned about my childs' health and safety upon returning to school in person. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Physical Safety |
New Hampshire STRRT Parent Survey |
I would feel safer for my child to attend school if staff and students wore CDC approved masks all day. |
[] Yes |
Select One |
Physical Safety |
New Hampshire STRRT Parent Survey |
I would feel safer for my child to attend school if if the school/district made personal protective equipment (PPE) (e.g., CDC approved masks, hand sanitizer, gloves, face shields) available for students and staff who do not have them. |
[] Yes |
Select One |
Physical Safety |
New Hampshire STRRT Parent Survey |
I would feel safer for my child to attend school if building safety measures and policies, including contact tracing, social distancing, and upgrading air filtration systems, were in place. |
[] Yes |
Select One |
Physical Safety |
New Hampshire STRRT Parent Survey |
I would feel safer for my child to attend school if social distancing plans for in-person schooling were developed and implemented. |
[] Yes |
Select One |
Physical Safety |
New Hampshire STRRT Parent Survey |
I would feel safer for my child to attend school if if more COVID-19 testing were available. |
[] Yes |
Select One |
Physical Safety |
New Hampshire STRRT Parent Survey |
I would feel safer for my child to attend school if school continued to operate remotely until a vaccine is readily available. |
[] Yes |
Select One |
Physical Safety |
New Hampshire STRRT Parent Survey |
I would feel safer for my child to attend school if staff and students wore CDC approved masks all day. |
[] Yes |
Select One |
Subtopic |
Source Survey |
Item Stem |
Response Options |
Item Type |
Instructional Environment |
New Item |
I can effectively use the technology, including devices and online platforms and programs, required to support my child’s learning. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Instructional Environment |
New Item |
I regularly use the technology available, including devices and online programs and platforms, to support my child’s learning. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Mental Health |
New Item |
I have the time to support my child's education. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Mental Health |
New item |
I am able to balance my child(ren)’s school obligations (e.g., attending class, completing assignments) with my own personal/work responsibilities. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Mental Health |
New Item |
I have a strong support network of family and/or friends. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Mental Health |
New Hampshire STRRT Parent Survey |
I am concerned about the effects of social distancing on my child. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Mental Health |
New Hampshire STRRT Parent Survey |
My child misses extracurricular activities (sports, clubs, music lessons, youth group etc.). |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |
Physical Environment |
New Item |
I am able to establish a consistent daily routine with my child to support his/her learning. |
[] Strongly Agree |
Select One |