School Climate Improvement Resource Package Assessments

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School Climate Improvement Resource Package Assessments

The School Climate Improvement Resource Package (SCIRP) includes two self-assessment tools.  

  1. The SCIRP Customization Tool
    Since the Resource Package includes a breadth of resources to meet the needs of a variety of States, districts and schools, the first assessment can help you identify which Resource Package items would be most helpful to you. It includes 5 basic questions. Based on your responses, a list of Resource Package items and/or sections of items is generated.  You can print and save the list so you can reference it later.            
  2. School Climate Improvement Self-Assessment and Action Planner
    Since many States, districts, and schools are working on making school climate improvements, this assessment allows you to assess how well you are doing. In alignment with the Quick Guide on Making School Climate Improvements, you can see what you are doing well, what pitfalls you are hitting, and plan your next steps. 


American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

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