School Climate Data Interpretation Resources
These School Climate Data Interpretation Resources are designed to help states, districts, and schools interpret school climate data.* Specifically, the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments released a Data Analysis Worksheet; a Data Interpretation Guide; and Data Interpretation Topical Discussion Guides for 13 school climate topics. These materials are appropriate and recommended for all person(s) at your state, district, or school who will be most actively involved in the interpretation of the survey findings, translating the data into action, and communicating with those who will promote data-driven decision making for school climate improvement.
The School Climate Improvement Data Interpretation Resources are one set of materials, among a diverse collection of tools within the School Climate Improvement Resource Package, commissioned by the Department of Education Office of Safe and Healthy Students. These resources align best with Activity Set 3: Collecting and Reporting School Climate Data of the Quick Guide on Making School Climate Improvements, the Reference Manual on Making School Climate Improvements, and School Climate Improvement Action Guides.
Component |
Content |
This tool provides key questions schools administering the ED School Climate Surveys (EDSCLS) can utilize to guide analysis of their data. This tool can also be used to create documents describing the findings of the data that can be shared with stakeholders. |
This document contains detailed information and resources to help you interpret and use results from your school climate surveys. Measuring and understanding how students, staff, and parents/guardians perceive the climate in their schools are key steps in making wise decisions on how to use resources to focus on areas in need of improvement. |
The discussion guides on intrepreting data for 13 school climate topics. Each discussion guide provides a brief description of the topic area, as well as initial and deeper guiding questions that assist in using and interpreting data results for specific school climate topic areas, overall and by multi-tiered systems of support, as applicable. |
Engagement Domain Guides |
The Engagement domain discussion guides help schools/districts analyze their data to determine the degree to which cultural and linguistic competence is demonstrated and experienced in their school/district, strong relationships with students exist, and students are actively participating in school. |
Safety Domain Guides |
The Safety domain discussion guides help schools/districts use their data to analyze the degree to which students, instructional and noninstructional staff, and families feel safe from violence, bullying, harassment, and substance use within the school community. |
Environmental Domain Guides |
The Environment domain discussion guides help schools/districts use their data to analyze the degree to which their school/district has appropriate facilities, well-managed classrooms, available school-based health supports, and a clear, fair disciplinary policy. |
This tool provides a list of items survey administrators can include in their school climate survey in response to COVID-19. |
* These documents provide strategies applicable to public schools and districts, including charter authorizers, charter management organizations, education management organizations, individual charter schools, and charter local educational agencies.
Related Resources
School Climate Survey Compendium Provides lists of school climate surveys and scales, for grades pre-k through postsecondary school, educators can use to assess their learning environment. All surveys and scales in the compendium have been tested for validity and reliability. |
School Climate Measurement Tool and Web-Based Platform - EDSCLS Provides surveys for middle and high school students, their parents, teachers, instructional staff, non-instructional staff and administrators on a web-based platform. The surveys can be downloaded free of charge and provide user-friendly school climate reports back to users. Local education agencies administering the survey will be able to store the data locally on their own data systems. |
Offers a series of webinar events focused on the measurement of school climate from start to finish-- from developing and managing a survey to evaluating the reliability of a survey after administering it. |
Of the six SCIRP learning modules that provide an opportunity to practice skills, there are three focused on collecting and analyzing school climate data. |