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Details how the AZ Safe Supportive Schools (S3) goals, objectives, activities, outputs, and outcomes relate to each other. This model was used to train S3 grant staff and support data collection analysis.
Summarizes the AZ Safe and Supportive Schools Model and provides additional information to interested stakeholders about participating schools, Leadership Core Team (LCT) information, and programs and interventions.
Serves as a self-assessment that school climate teams can use to identify whether their program has key features that will sustain their work and help guide action planning for sustainability.
Assesses the Student Assistance Program (SAP). In this checklist, SAP Coordinators are asked to rate how essential SAP components are currently practiced.
Serves as a way to organize a school's core leadership team. Developed by the AZ PBIS team, this document provides space for school climate teams to record their goals, how they plan to make decisions, how they will evaluate progress, and their schedule for meeting.
Provides a unifying framework for schools, families, and communities to understand, select, and organize their learning supports (i.e., strategies, programs, and practices used to create conditions to enhance learning).
With a nationwide psychiatrist shortage and diminished access to mental and behavioral health help, one school's community coordinator created "Healthy Island," a once empty room now dedicated to be a safe and therapeutic space for students.
Describes how REL Midwest will partner with multiple school districts to build school leaders’ capacity in using data to reduce disparities among student groups in their sense of belonging, disciplinary actions, and absenteeism through the Data-Informed Leadership for Equity (DILE) partnership.