

Florida is working to ensure its schools are safe and supportive. This page features school climate information for Florida, including a list of grants the State and its communities have received; State discipline and bullying policies; data for a selection of indicators; related news articles; and grantee highlights demonstrating community efforts.

Grants Received

State Grant Programs

Local Educational Agency and District Grant Programs

Institution of Higher of Education

Selected Indicators

Indicator 1: Threatened or Injured with a Weapon on School Property

Indicator 2: Involved in Physical Fight on School Property

Indicator 3: Offered, Sold, or Given Illegal Drugs on School Property

Indicator 4: Seriously Considered Attempting Suicide

Indicator 5: Bullied On School Property

Grantee Highlights

During individual supervision and interaction, staff of the Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) school social work department recognized that their interns felt great anxiety before professional interviews due to lack of prior experience. It was then that the Clinical Grant Facilitator felt that a mock interview would be advantageous with assisting the candidate in learning how to respond to challenging questions, developing interview strategies, improving communication skills, and reducing stress before an actual job interview.

Mock Interview Rubric Development


Broward County Public Schools (BCPS), as part of its Mental Health Service Professional Demonstration grant initiative, Collaborative Internship for All (CIA), is recruiting, training and coaching school counseling interns en route to placing them in high-needs school communities. In its efforts to promote CIA internally and externally, and recruit and retain graduate students, the grant team discovered that there was untapped talent among its interns.  

The clinical grant coordinator began to have interns present on a topic of interest or need and identify their…

Provides Hillsborough County Public School’s Multi-tiered System of Supports - Response to Intervention (MTSS-RtI) Department- with a framework and process to ensure students have an opportunity to receive multi-tiered instruction/interventions within the general education environment with fidelity. The district’s framework incorporates a problem solving process for ensuring quality instruction and school-wide behavior supports are delivered to ALL students. Hillsborough’s MTSS-RtI department supports schools with maintaining this framework with many resources, documents, and forms…

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

The contents of the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments Web site were assembled under contracts from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Supportive Schools to the American Institutes for Research (AIR), Contract Number  91990021A0020.

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