New York

New York

New York is working to ensure its schools are safe and supportive. This page features school climate information for New York, including a list of grants the State and its communities have received; State discipline and bullying policies; data for a selection of indicators; and related news articles.

Grants Received

State Grant Programs

Local Educational Agency and District Grant Programs

Institution of Higher of Education

Selected Indicators

Indicator 1: Threatened or Injured with a Weapon on School Property

Indicator 2: Involved in Physical Fight on School Property

Indicator 3: Offered, Sold, or Given Illegal Drugs on School Property

Indicator 4: Seriously Considered Attempting Suicide

Indicator 5: Bullied On School Property

Indicator 6: Reported That Their Mental Health Was Most Of The Time Or Always Not Good

Grantee Highlights

Niagara Falls City School District (NFCSD) is using the Mental Health Service Professional Demonstration grant initiative to provide new wraparound support services to students and families. Key activities include:

  • providing direct emotional support to students in school by placing up to 15 mental health interns in all district schools;
  • partnering with a local counseling agency to provide individual and family counseling to students and families;
  • training and coaching district staff on trauma-informed care and other mental health topics; and
  • utilizing the…

The Sodus Central School District’s Mental Health Demonstration (MHD) grant, as part of Wayne County Community Schools, is helping to expand the pipeline of mental health providers into rural school districts. Specifically, they have partnered with five local Colleges and Universities to provide internship experiences for graduate level social workers, school counselors, mental health counselors, and school psychologists. They currently have 24 internship students placed in 19 buildings across six districts in rural Wayne County, New York. The MHD Internship Program is built upon the…

Hornell City School District (NY) used Elementary and Secondary Education School Counseling funds to hire three additional mental health providers to support students in Kindergarten through grade 6 in three different schools. With the extra support, these schools have been able to develop Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) teams. These PBIS teams reorganized the systems and structures in place to better support students. Teams also implemented and fine-tuned preventative measures to make students feel safer and more secure in the school environment. The grant also…

Charter School for Applied Technologies (NY) used Elementary and Secondary Education School Counseling funds to hire two school counselors. The counselors played an integral role in creating a school-wide positive behavioral intervention and supports (PBIS) framework. Through PBIS, students have learned to take ownership of their behavior and recognize and use strategies to support their personal challenges. During the 2016-17 school year, Charter School for Applied Technologies witnessed a notable decrease in incidents of harassment and bullying, even as enrollment has increased…

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U.S. Department of Education

The contents of the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments Web site were assembled under contracts from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Supportive Schools to the American Institutes for Research (AIR), Contract Number  91990021A0020.

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