

Texas is working to ensure its schools are safe and supportive. This page features school climate information for Texas, including a list of grants the State and its communities have received; State discipline and bullying policies; data for a selection of indicators; and related news articles.

Grants Received

State Grant Program

Local Educational Agency and District Grant Programs

Institution of Higher of Education

Selected Indicators

Indicator 1: Threatened or Injured with a Weapon on School Property

Indicator 2: Involved in Physical Fight on School Property

Indicator 3: Offered, Sold, or Given Illegal Drugs on School Property

Indicator 4: Seriously Considered Attempting Suicide

Indicator 5: Bullied On School Property

Indicator 6: Reported That Their Mental Health Was Most Of The Time Or Always Not Good

Grantee Highlights

Through their Rural West Texas Mental Health Educational Learning Partnership (HELP) grant, Region 15 Education Service Center in San Angelo, TX has partnered with Angelo State University (member of the Texas Tech University system) to recruit provisionally licensed school counselors from the M.S. in Professional School Counseling program for placement in 43 participating school districts in newly created positions. This partnership allows for reimbursement of tuition costs for participating students, in addition to the provision of quality social and emotional learning (SEL) curriculum to…

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

The contents of the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments Web site were assembled under contracts from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Supportive Schools to the American Institutes for Research (AIR), Contract Number  91990021A0020.

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