Supporting Transgender Youth in Schools Under Title IX

The U.S. Department of Education and U.S. Department of Justice have provided a series or resources and guidance documents about the protection of students under Title IX, regardless of gender identity, including students who identify as or are perceived as transgender and gender-nonconforming. Title IX protects all students, including transgender and gender-nonconforming students, from sex discrimination. Title IX encompasses discrimination based on a student’s nonconformity with sex stereotypes and gender identity, including a student’s transgender status. 

Dear Colleague Letter on Transgender Students

Summarizes a school’s Title IX obligations regarding transgender students and explains how the U.S. Department of Education (ED) and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) evaluate a school’s compliance with these obligations. The letter also provides information and examples to inform recipients about how the Departments evaluate whether covered entities are complying with their legal obligations.

Examples of Policies and Emerging Practices for Supporting Transgender Student

Provides examples of policies and emerging practices that some schools are already using to support transgender students. It also includes common questions on topics such as school records, privacy, and terminology, and explains how some state and school district policies have answered these questions.

Resources for Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Students

Presents a collection of resources from the Department of Education Office of Civil Rights for transgender and gender-nonconforming students including government policy guidance documents, case resolutions, relevant court filings, and other federal government resources. 

Questions and Answers on Title IX and Sexual Violence

Provides guidance related to complying with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in federally funded education programs and activities. This significant guidance document includes answers to questions related to a school's obligation to respond to sexual violence, procedural requirements, and investigations and hearings.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

The contents of the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments Web site were assembled under contracts from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Supportive Schools to the American Institutes for Research (AIR), Contract Number  91990021A0020.

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