Students - Disciplinary structure; Academic expectations; Student support (respect for students, willingness to seek help); Student engagement (affective, cognitive); Prevalence of teasing and bullying; Bullying victimization; General victimization; Aggressive attitudes; Positive values (personal conviction, concern for others)
Staff and Teachers - Disciplinary structure (fairness, justness); Student support (respect for students, willingness to seek help); Student engagement (affective, cognitive); Prevalence of teasing and bullying
- Cornell, D. (2014). Overview of the Authoritative School Climate Survey. Charlottesville, VA: Curry School of Education, University of Virginia.
- Cornell, D. (2016). The Authoritative School Climate Survey and the School Climate Bullying Survey: Research summary. Charlottesville, VA: Curry School of Education, University of Virginia. Retrieved from
- Cornell, D., Huang, F., Konold, T., Meyer, P., Shukla, K., Lacey, A., Nekvasil, E., Heilbrun, A., & Datta, P. (2014). Technical Report of the Virginia Secondary School Climate Survey: 2014 Results for 9th-12th Grade Students and Teachers. Charlottesville, VA: Curry School of Education, University of Virginia. Retrieved from
- Cornell, D. Huang, F., Konold, T., Jia, Y., Malone, M., Burnette, A.G. Datta, P., Meyer, P., Stohlman, S., & Maeng, J. (2017). Technical Report of the Virginia Secondary School Climate Survey: 2017 Results for 6th-8th Grade Students and School Staff. Charlottesville, VA: Curry School of Education, University of Virginia. Retrieved from
These instruments are free and publicly available at (Note: The ASCS is designed to measure the degree to which a school has authoritative characteristics such as fair discipline, supportive teachers, and high academic expectations, as well as associated characteristics such as low rates of bullying and high student engagement. The survey is appropriate for any school with grades 6-12.) Survey instruments are available in English.