Community and Youth Collaborative Institute (CAYCI) School Experiences Surveys


Elementary school students (K-6): Academic motivation; Academic press; Support for learning; Family and community connections; Parental involvement and support; Diversity; Externalizing behaviors; Internalizing behaviors; Peer relationships; Safety; School connectedness; Social skills; Activities

Middle/high school students (7-12): Academic motivation; Academic press; Career and college readiness; Support for learning; Family and community connections; Parental involvement and support; Diversity; Externalizing behaviors; Internalizing behaviors; Peer relationships; Safety; School connectedness; Social skills; Activities

Teachers/school staff: Student academic motivation; Academic press; Career and college readiness; Perceived family/caregiver support for learning; Family support for pro-social activities; Perceived family history; Perceived support for students' basic needs; Community supports for positive youth development; Community services and supports; Student externalizing behavior; Student internalizing behavior; Perceived learning supports; Perceptions of school climate; Student safety; School connectedness; School support for pro-social activities; Student psychological wellbeing; Student social skills; Teacher/staff commitment

Parents/caregivers: Career and college readiness; Experiences of teacher and school support; Overall experiences of school; Engagement efficacy; Parent/caregiver support; School and community support services for parents/caregivers; School support for parent/caregiver engagement; Support for students’ basic needs; Involvement in activities

Students, Teachers and Staff, Parents/Caregivers
Grade Level
K-6; 7-12
Survey Instruments

There is no charge for using this survey. Please visit or contact Dawn Anderson-Butcher at for copies of and additional information about this survey. Survey instruments are available in English and Spanish. 

Survey Level
Survey Data

This is one of the K-12 Surveys listed in the School Climate Survey Compendium.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

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