Classroom environment; Cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development; Home environment; School environment; Teacher qualifications; Child participation in non-parental care and education arrangements; Quality of non-parental care; Student-teacher ratio
Data were collected on a nationally representative sample of children born in 2000-01 from the children, their families, their child care and early education providers, and their teachers. Data were collected when the children were approximately 9 months old (2001-02), 2 years old (2003-04), 4 years old/preschool age (2005-06), and again either in the fall of 2006 or in the fall of 2007, depending on when the child entered kindergarten.
- ECLS-B publications and technical reports published by the National Center for Education Statistics are available at:
- The ECLS-B bibliography includes selected research reports by outside researchers and is available at:
Selected publications include:
- Najarian, M., Snow, K., Lennon, J., and Kinsey, S. (2010). Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B), Preschool–Kindergarten 2007 Psychometric Report (NCES 2010-009). National Center for Education Statistics, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC. Available at:
- Denton Flanagan, K., and McPhee, C. (2009). The Children Born in 2001 at Kindergarten Entry: First Findings From the Kindergarten Data Collections of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B) (NCES 2010-005). National Center for Education Statistics, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC. Available at:
Survey Instruments
Survey instruments are available at:
Complete data are available are restricted-access. Certain data are available for online analysis at:
Survey Level
Survey Data