Relationships with teachers (express care, challenge growth, provide support, share power, expand possibilities, connect sparks to learning; Effort (mastery vs. performance orientation, belief in malleable intelligence, academic self-efficacy); Aspirations (goal orientation, future-mindedness, internal locus of control); Cognition (focus, academic delayed gratification, positivity in the face of challenge); Heart (spark development, spark shaping, presence of sparks); Other covariates (belonging, perceived discrimination; quality and character of instruction, cultural inclusion, school climate)
- Search Institute. (March 2016). Technical Summary: Search Institute’s REACH Survey. Retrieved from
- Roskopf, J. (July 2016). The REACH Survey – Additional Vetting Information. Unpublished memo.
- Search Institute. (n.d.) REACH Survey codebook. Unpublished memo.
The REACH Survey is available for purchase directly from Search Institute. Information on purchasing the survey instrument can be found here: (Note that “spark” refers to a student’s motivating interests and talents.) Survey instruments are available in English, but Search Institute is working to create reliable and valid instruments in languages other than English.