Engagement - IHE

IHE Engagement
Higher Education

Higher education student engagement is multi-dimensional, involving behavioral, emotional, and cognitive aspects.

Behavioral engagement is shown through actions such as consistent attendance, completing coursework, being prepared for classes, and participating in course and campus activities. Emotional engagement is demonstrated through a sense of belonging and investment in one's education. Cognitive engagement is reflected in students’ willingness to challenge themselves and think critically.

Featured Resources

The purpose of the National AEM Center’s Quality Indicators with Critical Components for Higher Ed is to assist institutes of higher education, both at the system and campus level, with planning, implementing, and evaluating systems for providing accessible materials and technologies for all students who need them. Higher Ed institutions, both universities and community colleges, will find the Quality Indicators useful for implementing statutory requirements that mandate equitable access to learning opportunities for students with disabilities, including equal access to printed materials,

There is limited data to assess, track, or quantify accessibility and disability inclusion across universities.  This cross-sectional study assessed disability inclusion and accessibility at the top 50 National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded undergraduate programs in the United States. We hypothesized that there is no association between NIH funding and the University Disability Inclusion Score.

In this webinar, presenters from Millersville University share how they have encouraged and educated professors and faculty to include ALL students in their classes. This philosophy of inclusion begins in the classroom and extends throughout the campus and into the community. Topics covered include: the important role of faculty in fostering inclusion; strategies for faculty to use in the classroom; how to build capacity of students through meaningful relationships; and how to measure progress in and out of the classroom.

Provides an overview of the current state of research regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and higher education for students with disabilities.

Explains why applying universal design within the postsecondary setting ensures that all students and teachers, including those with disabilities, can fully participate in all educational offerings.

NCCSD Research Brief

Presents research acquired from focus groups with college students with disabilities across the country in order to better understand their experiences in higher education and  establish priorities for the work of the Center.

Woman and man cutting metal poles.

Addresses the structural inequalities with higher education and the workforce that delay and block opportunities to reach economic security, and provides recommendations on how to address these inequalities.

2023 Higher Education Trends Report

Presents an outline of trends and opportunities that face the higher education sector today, regardless of geography, institutional type (research, teaching, public, private), or brand.

Community College Research Center

Presents findings from a study on the scale of adoption of guided pathways practices across community and technical colleges in three states where there are state-level efforts to support adoption among colleges system-wide.

Title page with the words: Modernizing Postsecondary Policy to Better Support Adult Learners

Identifies policy barriers hindering adult learners and suggest ways for policymakers to create accessible, affordable pathways in postsecondary education.

Military and Veteran Support

Describes resources to help servicemembers and new veterans transition to civilian life.

A mother holding her young son.

Describes how two single mothers navigate higher education, their career aspirations, and taking care of their families.

Discusses how to foster student belonging in higher education.

Strengthening California's Transfer Pathway

Discusses California's aims to create a larger and more diverse pool of college-educated workers.

A woman with curly hair holding books.

Provides research, tools, and resources to help college design and implement equity-centered approaches in all aspects of the college system.

Public Policy Institute of California

Addresses the need for courses that allow students to take college classes and earn college credit.

community college

Examines student outcomes through the fall 2022 term, shedding light on both the immense progress made and necessary areas of future reform.

National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators

Created to keep both financial aid community and prison education program administrators updated on tools, training, and news related to the implementation of financial aid in carceral settings.

Generation Hope

Introduces FamilyU as a comprehensive, customized, evidence-based, two-year capacity-building experience designed to build and refine institutional competencies to improve student-parent success.

Image of the first page of the report.

Presents information on a cohort of colleges that sought to redesign the college student experience using four practice areas: (1) mapping pathways to students' end goals, (2) helping students choose and enter a program, (3) keeping students on a path, and (4) ensuring that students are learning.


College students studying and walking on campus.

Presents information on economic and non-economic outcomes for U.S. adults across different educational attainment levels.

Title page with text that says Disengaged Learners & Return Paths to Higher Education

Presents data on reasons for disengaging with institutions, interest in pursuing degree completion programs, and important factors in selecting degree completion programs.

Woman hugging two children.

Describes efforts at Monroe Community College to enhance support for single mothers and reduce graduation challenges.

Foster Care Transition Toolkit

Toolkit to help youth access the resources needed to successfully transition into adulthood, continue on to postsecondary education, and meaningful careers.

Opportunity Youth

Shares resources for reconnecting opportunity youth — young people who are between the ages of 16 to 24 years old and are disconnected from school and work.

Plan A

Evaluates Plan A, a 23-minute video intervention designed for African American and Hispanic/Latinx women ages 18 to 19 that promotes effective contraceptive use, condom use for dual contraception and HIV/STI prevention, and HIV/STI testing. The video aims to improve knowledge of sexual health and self-efficacy for communicating with providers about different contraceptive options that have been proven effective, such as long-acting reversible contraception (LARC). 


Evaluates the first evidence-based LGBTQ+-centered sex education program. The IN·clued program consists of two workshops: one for clinical staff and one for LGBTQ+ youth that covers topics such as safer sex for LGBTQ+ youth, how to access and navigate sexual health services, and how to advocate for yourself with a provider. 

Graphic of rural telehealth toolkit modules

Includes a series of modules on evidence-based and promising models and resources to support organizations in identifying and implementing telehealth programs in rural communities provided by the Rural Health Information Hub and supported by HRSA.

Related Resources




American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

The contents of the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments Web site were assembled under contracts from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Supportive Schools to the American Institutes for Research (AIR), Contract Number  91990021A0020.

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