Building Capacity

he_building capacity

Prevention work on campus and in surrounding communities to address problems related to alcohol and other drug use and violence and maintain safe and supportive learning environments is best facilitated by a campus and community coalition (NIAAA 2002). The main purpose of these coalitions is to build capacity to direct and oversee the design and execution of a strategic plan. Sustaining a coalition also depends on improving organizational capacity to effect change through focused collaboration.


Featured Resources

Cover image of the Contribution of Historically Black Colleges and Universities to Upward Mobility resource

Uses data from tax records to see where students from different income backgrounds go to college, and how they fare economically by the time they reach their 30s. HBCUs are doing a better job than the average postsecondary institution, in terms of vaulting lowest-income kids into the top quintile as adults. Of those HBCUs that the researchers were able to collect data for, over 85 percent had a higher “mobility score” than the average across all institutions in the U.S.

Cover image -  Hungry to Learn: Addressing Food and Housing Insecurity Among Undergraduates

Summarizes the results of a survey examining food and housing insecurities among more than 4,000 undergraduates matriculating at 10 community colleges across the nation. The results found that about half of community college students are struggling with food or housing insecurities or both. The challenges in these areas varied in severity, from marginal security to very low security.

Cover image of the Presidential Engagement of Students at Minority Serving Institutions resource

explores the ways that presidents engage with students, using traditional means as well as social media. As the United States becomes more heavily entrenched in social media as a form of open expression and communication, presidents have been tasked with using the various platforms to better engage with their students. The report addresses two questions: 1) What does past research say about college presidents and the engagement of students? and 2) How do presidents of Minority Serving Institutions engage students?

Cover image of the Re-Imagining the First Year of College for Underserved Students resource

Aims at ensuring the success of all college students, especially those who are low-income, first-generation, and students of color. The program consists of a coalition of 44 member institutions that will work together for three calendar years (2016-2018) to develop a comprehensive, institutional transformation that redesigns the first year of college and creates sustainable change for student success. 

Cover page of Several of Secretary DeVos' Rethink Higher Education Regulations Take Effect as Department Issues New Rule to Protect Religious Liberty, Reform TEACH Grant Program resource

Highlights several new regulations based on U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos' Rethink Higher Education agenda. In addition, includes rules forged by historic consensus negotiated rulemaking on accreditation and state authorization reform. 

Cover page of the The Talent Blind Spot: The Case for Increasing Community College Transfer to High Graduation Rate Institutions resource

Offers a path forward based on the work of several institutions that have demonstrated that creating robust community college transfer success is possible through strong, leadership-drive partnerships, early outreach and advising, and dedicated, holistic supports. The report helps readers understand the community college transfer landscape at high graduation rate colleges with data from the report.

Report cover -  Tribal Colleges: Acknowledging the Past, Understanding the Present, and Aspiring to a Successful Future

Discusses an important milestone in the  nation’s history regarding equity in research, education, and extension. On October 20, 1994, 29 tribal colleges, representing different histories, cultural orientations, and organizational structures, received land-grant university (LGU) status.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

The contents of the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments Web site were assembled under contracts from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Supportive Schools to the American Institutes for Research (AIR), Contract Number  91990021A0020.

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